Maximizing Space: Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room?

Rick The Wood Guy
14 min readMar 26, 2024

When it comes to designing a home office, one of the most important decisions to make is where to place the desk. The placement of the desk can have a significant impact on productivity and the overall functionality of the workspace. There are several factors to consider, such as the desk view, desk size, room layout, access to power outlets, and potential distractions. In this article, I will explore the pros and cons of placing your desk against the wall or in the middle of the room, as well as provide some wall desk ideas and tips for optimizing your desk positioning. Whether you have a small office space or a larger room to work with, finding the optimal desk placement is key to creating a functional and productive workspace.

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

Desk View and Natural Light

When it comes to desk placement in your home office, one important factor to consider is the view from your desk. Depending on your preference, you may choose to face the entryway door for a sense of security and awareness or position your desk near a window for a view of the outside world. Placing your desk near a window not only provides you with a pleasant view but also allows for ample natural light to fill your workspace.

Exposure to natural light has been proven to have numerous benefits, including improved mood and increased productivity. Studies have shown that natural light can enhance cognitive function and help regulate our circadian rhythms, resulting in higher levels of alertness and focus throughout the day. Additionally, natural light has been found to reduce the likelihood of headaches and blurred vision, common complaints among individuals who work in artificial lighting environments for extended periods.

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

By placing your desk near a window and allowing natural light to illuminate your workspace, you can create a brighter and more inviting atmosphere that positively affects your home office productivity. It is important, however, to ensure that the light does not cause glare on your computer screen. Consider using window shades or a monitor privacy filter to reduce glare while still benefiting from the natural light.

If your home office does not have access to natural light or if the available natural light is insufficient, you can incorporate artificial lighting to create a well-lit and functional workspace. Invest in task lighting, such as desk lamps or adjustable overhead lights, that provide adequate illumination for your work tasks while minimizing eye strain.

When placing your desk in your home office, consider both the view from your desk and the availability of natural light. A pleasant view and sufficient natural light can significantly enhance your mood, productivity, and overall well-being in your workspace.

Desk Size and Room Layout

When setting up a home office, considering the size of your desk in relation to the room layout is crucial for optimizing desk placement. The right desk size can make a significant difference in the functionality and aesthetics of your workspace.

If you have a larger room, placing a larger desk in the center can create a focal point and help maximize the available space. A spacious desk in the middle of the room allows for easy movement around it, providing a sense of openness and flexibility. This layout is ideal if you frequently collaborate with others or require additional work surfaces.

On the other hand, if you have a smaller room or prefer a more traditional setup, positioning a smaller desk against a wall or in a built-in bookcase area can be an excellent space-saving solution. This configuration not only saves valuable floor space but also offers a cozy and secluded workspace.

Moreover, if your home office needs to accommodate multiple individuals, incorporating multiple desks into the room layout can be a practical solution. This setup allows each person to have their designated workspace, promoting productivity and organization. It also enables collaboration and facilitates communication among team members sharing the home office.

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

When determining the desk size and room layout, consider your workflow, the available space, and the number of people using the home office. By aligning your desk size and placement with the room layout, you can create an optimized and functional workspace that enhances productivity and fosters a conducive work environment.

Furniture Arrangement and Space-Saving Solutions

When it comes to sharing a home office with another person, optimizing space is crucial. Choosing the right furniture arrangement can make all the difference in creating a functional and harmonious shared workspace. Here are some space-saving solutions to consider:

Desks arranged face-to-face in the center of the room

An effective way to optimize space in a shared home office is to arrange desks face-to-face in the center of the room. This creates an “island” of workspace that allows for easy collaboration and communication while maximizing the surrounding open space. This open space can be utilized for storage, relaxation areas, or the addition of comfortable seating.

Utilizing desk dividers for privacy

In a shared workspace, privacy is important, especially during video conferences or intense focus work. Desk dividers can be used to create individual work areas, providing a sense of personal space and minimizing distractions.

Compact or folding desks

To maximize available space, consider using compact or folding desks. These versatile options can be easily folded and stored when not in use, freeing up valuable floor space. Additionally, compact desks with built-in storage compartments can help keep the workspace organized and tidy.

Mobile furniture and floating desks

Another space-saving solution is to incorporate mobile furniture and floating desks. Mobile furniture, such as rolling carts or portable storage cabinets, provides flexibility and can be easily moved around to accommodate different configurations. Floating desks mounted to the wall offer a sleek and modern look while maximizing floor space.

By carefully considering furniture arrangement and utilizing space-saving solutions like face-to-face desk placement, desk dividers, compact or folding desks, mobile furniture, and floating desks, you can create a shared home office that is efficient, organized, and optimized for productivity.

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

Organization and Storage Solutions

When it comes to maintaining a clutter-free and efficient shared workspace, organization and storage are key. By implementing smart storage solutions, you can maximize the use of your desk and create a more streamlined environment.

Vertical Storage

Vertical shelving units are a great way to optimize space in a shared office. These units provide ample storage for books, files, and office supplies, while taking up minimal floor space. Vertical storage allows you to keep frequently used items easily accessible, while keeping your desk clear and uncluttered.

Shared Office Supplies

Collaboration is made easier in a shared office when there are communal supplies available. By having shared office supplies such as pens, sticky notes, and staplers easily accessible, you can minimize the clutter caused by individual workstations. This also promotes a sense of teamwork and makes it convenient for everyone to find what they need without searching through their own desk drawers.

Hidden Storage

To further declutter your workspace, consider utilizing hidden storage solutions. This can include built-in drawers or cabinets within your desk or using storage boxes that fit neatly under your desk. Having a designated place to store items that are not in frequent use helps keep your desk surface clear and provides a clean and organized appearance.

Reducing Reliance on Paper

Going digital is not only an eco-friendly choice, but it can also significantly reduce desk clutter. By transitioning to electronic documents and reducing reliance on paper, you can save space and eliminate the need for large filing cabinets. Utilize cloud storage solutions and digital note-taking apps to keep your important documents and notes easily accessible without the need for physical paper.

Regular Decluttering

Maintaining a clean and organized workspace requires regular decluttering sessions. Set aside dedicated time each week to go through your desk and remove any unnecessary items. Tidy up your drawers, organize your papers, and discard anything that is no longer needed. By keeping your workspace clutter-free, you can create a more productive and focused environment.

By implementing these organization and storage solutions, you can create a more efficient and visually appealing shared workspace. Vertical storage, shared office supplies, hidden storage, reducing reliance on paper, and regular decluttering are all effective strategies to keep your desk clear and optimize your productivity.

Ergonomics and Monitor Placement

When it comes to creating a comfortable and efficient workspace, ergonomics are key. Proper ergonomics not only promote better posture and overall health but also enhance productivity. One important aspect of ergonomics to consider is monitor placement.

A monitor stand can be a game-changer in reducing neck strain and improving comfort. By bringing the monitor to eye level, it helps align the neck and spine, reducing the risk of discomfort and long-term strain. With a monitor stand, you can say goodbye to constantly looking down and hello to a more relaxed and ergonomic work environment.

Proper lighting is another important factor to consider when optimizing your workspace. Whether you prefer natural or artificial light, ensuring adequate and well-positioned lighting is crucial for preventing eye strain. Proper lighting can reduce glare and eye fatigue, enabling you to work for longer periods without discomfort.

It’s always a good idea to keep lamps off the floor to maximize desk space and maintain a clutter-free environment. Opt for desk or table lamps, which not only provide proper lighting but also add a touch of style to your workspace. By combining ergonomic monitor placement and optimized lighting, you can create a workspace that promotes both productivity and well-being.

Take a look at this image that illustrates the importance of monitor placement and proper lighting:

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

By prioritizing ergonomics and thoughtful monitor placement, you can reduce strain on your neck, maintain proper posture, and enhance your overall work experience. Don’t underestimate the impact that these small adjustments can have on your comfort and productivity!

Avoiding Distractions and Personalizing the Space

Creating a productive workspace requires minimizing distractions and personalizing the surroundings. To maintain focus, it is essential to remove non-office items that can divert attention and disrupt workflow. Clearing the workspace of unnecessary objects helps create a dedicated and clutter-free environment.

Personalizing the space can contribute to a more inspiring and inviting atmosphere. Wall decor plays a significant role in adding functionality and aesthetic appeal to the workspace. Consider incorporating vertical shelving units, cork or magnetic boards, and whiteboards to enhance organization and creativity.

Desk Against Wall or Middle of Room

Taking Advantage of Corner Spaces

When it comes to desk placement, corner spaces can be a hidden gem. By strategically utilizing corners, you can maximize your workspace and create a functional layout. There are a couple of options to consider: placing desks on either side of a corner or opting for an L-shaped desk.

Placing desks on either side of a corner allows you to make the most of personal space while creating a seamless flow in your home office. This arrangement provides an efficient setup where you can have different workstations or separate areas for different tasks. It also helps to optimize corner space that might otherwise go unused.

An L-shaped desk is another excellent choice for corner spaces. This type of desk fits snugly into the corner and provides ample room for all your work needs. The L-shaped design offers flexibility and functionality, making it ideal for multitasking, organizing equipment, or setting up dual monitors.

By capitalizing on corner desk placement, you can take your workspace to the next level. Whether you choose to position desks on either side of a corner or invest in an L-shaped desk, you’ll be maximizing your corner space and creating an efficient and productive work environment.

Power Outlets and Cord Management

When it comes to setting up a functional workspace, access to power outlets is crucial, especially for using electronic devices such as computers, printers, and chargers. Placing your desk near a power outlet eliminates the need for extension cords and helps keep your workspace neat and organized.

Cord management is another important consideration for maintaining a clean and clutter-free workspace. Tangled cords can be frustrating and make your desk look messy. To manage cords effectively, consider using cord clips, cable organizers, or a cable management box to keep them neatly bundled and out of sight.

It’s also worth considering wireless devices as a way to minimize cord-related issues. Wireless keyboards, mice, and speakers can help reduce cable clutter on your desk and make it easier to move around.

Create a Cord-Friendly Workspace with These Tips:

  • Position your desk near a power outlet to avoid using extension cords.
  • Use cord clips or cable organizers to keep cables organized and prevent them from tangling.
  • Consider wireless devices such as keyboards, mice, and speakers to reduce cord clutter.
  • Use a cable management box to hide cables and maintain a neat workspace.

Considering Flooring and Overall Aesthetics

When designing a home office, it’s crucial to take into account the type of flooring and the overall aesthetics of the space. The flooring choice can significantly contribute to the atmosphere and appeal of the workspace, enhancing both the design and functionality of the room.

Different flooring options offer unique characteristics that can complement various office designs and create a desirable workspace atmosphere. For example, hardwood floors provide a timeless and sophisticated look, adding warmth to the room. On the other hand, carpeting can create a cozy and comfortable environment, reducing noise and adding a plush feel underfoot.

Not only does the flooring contribute to the aesthetics of the home office, but it also plays a role in optimizing desk placement. By carefully selecting the flooring that enhances the overall design and functionality of the room, you can effectively align it with the placement of your desk, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing workspace.

Whether you opt for hardwood, carpet, or other flooring materials, it’s important to consider the durability and maintenance requirements as well. Taking these factors into account will ensure that your chosen flooring not only looks good but also withstands the demands of a home office environment.

By considering the aesthetics and functionality of the flooring in your home office, you can create a visually appealing and inspiring workspace that enhances productivity and promotes a positive work atmosphere.


When it comes to designing a small office space, the placement of the desk plays a crucial role in maximizing productivity. By carefully considering factors such as desk view, desk size, room layout, access to power outlets, and potential distractions, you can create a shared workspace that is optimized for efficiency.

One important consideration is the desk view. Depending on personal preferences, you may choose to face the entryway door or have a view of the outside through a window. Placing the desk near a window not only offers natural light, which has been proven to enhance mood and productivity, but also reduces the likelihood of headaches and eye strain.

Furthermore, the size of the desk should be evaluated in relation to the room layout. Larger desks may be better suited to a central position in the room, while smaller desks can be positioned against a wall or in built-in bookcase areas. Additionally, space-saving solutions such as compact or folding desks, desk dividers, and mobile furniture can help optimize the available space in a shared office.

By incorporating effective organization and storage solutions, such as vertical storage, shared office supplies, and reducing reliance on paper, you can declutter the workspace and create a more efficient environment. Consider ergonomics and monitor placement to promote comfort and prevent discomfort. Lastly, personalize the space with wall decor and remove non-office items to minimize distractions and create an inspiring workspace.

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Should I place my desk against a wall or in the middle of the room?

The placement of your desk depends on factors such as desk view, desk size, room layout, and personal preference. Placing your desk against a wall can save space and provide a more focused work environment, while placing it in the middle of the room can create a more open and collaborative workspace.

How does desk placement affect natural light and productivity?

Placing your desk near a window can provide access to natural light, which has been shown to improve mood and productivity. Exposure to natural light can reduce headaches and eye strain, contributing to a more comfortable and efficient workspace.

How do I optimize desk size and room layout?

When choosing a desk, consider the size of your room. Larger desks may work well in the center of the room, while smaller desks can be positioned against a wall or in built-in bookcase areas. If you have multiple people sharing the office, consider using multiple desks or an L-shaped desk to maximize space.

Are there any space-saving solutions for a shared home office?

Yes, there are several space-saving solutions for shared home offices. You can arrange desks face-to-face in the center of the room to create an “island” surrounded by open space. Dividers can be used for privacy, and compact or folding desks can be utilized. Mobile furniture and floating desks mounted to the wall are also effective space-saving options.

How can I optimize organization and storage in a shared workspace?

Vertical shelving units, boards, and wall files can be used for storage and notetaking. Shared office supplies can help minimize clutter, and going digital can free up desk space. Regular decluttering is important to maintain a clean and productive environment.

What are some ergonomic considerations for desk placement?

Using a monitor stand can reduce neck strain by bringing the monitor to eye level. Proper lighting, whether natural or artificial, is important for preventing eye strain. Keeping lamps off the floor can also maximize desk space.

How can I avoid distractions and personalize my workspace?

Removing non-office items and keeping the focus on work-related tasks can help maintain a clear and dedicated workspace. Personalizing the space with wall decor, vertical shelving units, cork or magnetic boards, and whiteboards can add functionality and make the space more inspiring.

What are some ways to maximize corner spaces for desk placement?

Placing desks on either side of a corner can provide personal space and create a functional layout. Another option is an L-shaped desk, which can maximize corner space and provide ample room for work.

How can I manage power outlets and cords in my workspace?

Placing your desk near a power outlet can prevent the need for extension cords and reduce cord clutter. Wireless devices such as keyboards, mice, and speakers can also minimize cord-related issues.

Should I consider flooring when placing my desk?

Yes, the type of flooring can contribute to the overall aesthetics and atmosphere of your workspace. Choose a flooring option that enhances the overall design and functionality of your home office.



Rick The Wood Guy

I have a fascination with building furniture.