Optimal Gaming Desk Height Guide

Rick The Wood Guy
7 min readFeb 21, 2024


Gaming is a passion that many of us enjoy, but have you ever thought about the impact your gaming desk height can have on your overall gaming experience? Having the right desk height is essential for comfort, posture, and ergonomics. In this guide, I’ll provide you with all the information you need to determine the ideal gaming desk height for you.

how tall should gaming desk be

When it comes to gaming desk height, there is a standard range that is considered optimal. Most computer gaming desks are between 28" and 30" in height, which is suitable for individuals who are around 5'8" to 5'10" tall. However, it’s important to remember that this is just a general guideline.

Your ideal gaming desk height may vary depending on your height. For example, if you are shorter, like around 5'2", a desk height of 24" may be more appropriate for you. The key is to find a desk height where your feet can comfortably touch the floor and your elbows, knees, and hips are at a 90-degree angle or close to it. This ensures that your body is properly aligned and supported while you game.

Consider using a height adjustable gaming desk if you want to optimize your comfort and ergonomics. These desks allow you to easily customize the height to suit your specific needs, ensuring that you can achieve the perfect gaming setup.

Key Takeaways:

  • The standard range for gaming desk height is 28" to 30", but it can vary based on your height.
  • For shorter individuals, a desk height of 24" may be more suitable.
  • Ensure your feet can touch the floor and your elbows, knees, and hips are at a 90-degree angle or close to it for proper alignment.
  • Consider investing in a height adjustable gaming desk for optimal comfort and ergonomics.
  • Customizing your gaming desk height can enhance your overall gaming experience.

Factors to Consider for the Right Desk Height

When it comes to determining the right desk height for your gaming setup, there are several factors that you need to take into consideration. The perfect desk height will not only enhance your gaming experience but also promote optimal comfort and posture. Let’s explore the key factors that you should consider:

Viewing Angle

The viewing angle is an important consideration when setting up your gaming desk. Your gaming monitor should be positioned at a height where your eyes have good contact with the display. This ensures that you have a clear view of the game and minimizes eye strain. A comfortable and ergonomically correct viewing angle can greatly enhance your gaming performance.

Arm Position

Your arm position plays a crucial role in maintaining comfort and preventing fatigue during gaming sessions. Ensure that your arms are in a comfortable position with your elbows resting at a 90-degree angle or closer. This helps to reduce strain on your shoulders and upper body, allowing you to game for longer periods without discomfort.

Legs and Arms Position

The position of your legs and arms has a significant impact on your overall comfort and posture while gaming. Both your legs and arms should be bent at a 90-degree angle. This allows for proper blood circulation and prevents unnecessary strain on your joints. Make sure that your feet touch the floor, and your ankles are at a 90-degree angle as well. Maintaining the correct legs and arms position promotes better ergonomics and reduces the risk of discomfort or injuries.

Consider these factors when determining the right desk height for your gaming setup. By finding the optimal desk height, you can achieve maximum comfort, ideal viewing angles, and better posture while enjoying your favorite games.

Considering these factors will help you find the best desk height for optimal comfort, posture, and gaming performance. Whether you use desk height calculators or adjust manually, ensuring that your desk setup aligns with these factors will enhance your overall gaming experience.

Benefits of Ergonomics in Gaming

Good ergonomics in gaming is essential for maintaining proper posture and minimizing the risk of discomfort and injury. When you spend long hours gaming, it’s important to prioritize your physical well-being. By paying attention to ergonomics, you can enhance your gaming experience and reduce the chances of musculoskeletal issues.

A proper posture while gaming is key to preventing strain and stress on your body. Maintaining correct alignment of your spine, neck, and limbs helps distribute your body weight evenly, reducing the risk of stiffness, pain, and potential injuries. It also improves blood circulation, ensuring that vital nutrients are delivered to your muscles and tissues.

One effective way to promote good ergonomics is by taking regular breaks during your gaming sessions. Prolonged sitting can lead to poor blood circulation, muscle fatigue, and increased stress. By incorporating frequent breaks, you give your body a chance to rest, stretch, and promote movement. This helps relieve tension and keeps your muscles active.

how tall should gaming desk be

Incorporating ergonomic principles into your gaming setup not only improves your physical well-being but also enhances your overall gaming performance. By reducing discomfort and fatigue, you can focus better on your gameplay, increasing your chances of success. It’s an investment in both your health and your gaming skills.

Benefits of a Standing Gaming Desk

A standing gaming desk offers several benefits for gamers. One of the key advantages is the ability to adjust the desk height to suit your needs. Whether you prefer to sit or stand while gaming, having a desk with height adjustment capabilities is a game-changer. It allows you to find the perfect ergonomic position that promotes optimal comfort and gameplay.

One of the significant benefits of using a standing gaming desk is its potential to alleviate lower back pain. Sitting for long periods can put strain on your back, leading to discomfort and potential issues over time. By incorporating a standing desk into your gaming setup, you can switch between sitting and standing positions, giving your lower back a break and reducing the risk of developing pain or stiffness.

how tall should gaming desk be

Improved blood circulation is another advantage of using a standing gaming desk. When sitting for extended periods, blood flow to the legs and feet can be restricted, causing numbness and fatigue. By standing while gaming, you promote better blood circulation throughout your body, ensuring that your muscles receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which can enhance your overall gaming experience.

Additionally, using a standing gaming desk can potentially aid in calorie burning. While gaming is not typically associated with physical activity, standing instead of sitting can have a modest impact on calorie expenditure. By incorporating standing periods into your gaming sessions, you can burn a few extra calories and prevent weight gain that may result from a sedentary lifestyle.

To summarize, a standing gaming desk offers multiple benefits, including desk height adjustment, lower back pain relief, improved blood circulation, and potential calorie burning. By investing in a standing desk, you can improve your overall health and comfort during long gaming sessions, allowing you to focus on what matters most — gaming at your best.


Finding the right gaming desk height is crucial for an optimal gaming experience. Consider the standard height of a gaming desk and make adjustments based on your own height to achieve the best posture and viewing angle. By ensuring that your feet touch the floor and your elbows, knees, and hips are at 90 degrees or close, you can maintain a comfortable and ergonomic position while gaming.

Incorporating a standing desk into your gaming setup can provide additional benefits. A standing desk allows you to adjust the desk height, alleviating lower back pain and promoting better blood circulation. Standing while gaming also helps burn calories and combats the negative effects of prolonged sitting, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Prioritizing ergonomics in your gaming setup is essential. Good ergonomics can reduce the risk of discomfort and injury, and improve blood circulation. It is also important to take frequent breaks during gaming sessions to prevent prolonged sitting. By considering these factors, you can enhance your gaming experience, reduce strain on your body, and minimize the risk of musculoskeletal issues.

Whether you choose a standard gaming desk height or a standing desk option, ensuring that your gaming setup is ergonomic will ultimately enhance your enjoyment and performance. Take the time to find the right desk height for you, and prioritize comfort and optimal posture to ensure a fulfilling and immersive gaming experience.


How tall should a gaming desk be?

The standard height of a computer gaming desk is between 28” and 30”.

What is the ideal height for a gaming desk?

The ideal height for a gaming desk depends on your height. For people between 5’8” and 5’10”, a desk height between 28” and 30” is most suitable.

How can I determine the right desk height for me?

When determining the right desk height, consider factors such as the viewing angle, arm position, and leg position. Your feet should touch the floor, and your elbows, knees, and hips should be at 90 degrees or close.

Should I consider a height adjustable gaming desk?

Yes, a height adjustable gaming desk can provide optimal comfort and ergonomics by allowing you to customize the desk height to your needs.

Why is ergonomics important in gaming?

Good ergonomics in gaming help maintain proper posture, improve blood circulation, reduce stress and strain on the body, and minimize the risk of discomfort and injury.

How can I achieve a proper posture while gaming?

To achieve a proper posture while gaming, ensure your feet touch the floor, your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, and your spine is aligned. Take regular breaks and make sure to stretch and move around.

What are the benefits of a standing gaming desk?

A standing gaming desk allows you to adjust the desk height, can alleviate lower back pain, improve blood circulation, promote calorie burning, and prevent weight gain associated with a sedentary lifestyle.



Rick The Wood Guy

I have a fascination with building furniture.