Outdoor Edge Computing

Edge Computing Is So Much More Fun — Part 1.

Desmond Yuen
Published in
6 min readJul 30, 2020


Source: IEEE Spectrum

Cloud computing has been very boring for a long time. Everything is inside the data center and you don’t even see the systems that you are working on. But not anymore. With Edge Computing, the server is no longer confined to inside the data center. It is out there touching our daily life and computing is happening in real-world and real-time.

Unlike the servers inside the data center which never see the sunlight, edge computers can be covered in snow or exposed to scorching heat in the middle of a desert.

Cell station out in the desert. Source: MarcoPolis

Indoor versus Outdoor

Cell phone tower damaged by Hurricane in Florida (Verizon)

Compare with an outdoor edge server, a server hosted in the data center is like living in a sheltered environment. With outdoor edge server, it is subjected to random events which cannot be predicted e.g. natural disaster and vandalism. Hence, the design of the outdoor edge server has to be weatherproof, waterproof and tamper-proof, etc.

