How to Create a Good CTA

Destiny Felinah
4 min readNov 6, 2023
Designed by Destiny Felinah using Canva

You need a good CTA for your content to achieve results, whether you’re a content writer or not. If, you’re job hunting even better.

You don’t just need to get attention, after getting attention, what’s next?

What’s your content goal? What action do you want your audience to take after encountering your content?

That’s what we’re talking about in this short article.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “CTAs are a piece of cake; everyone knows what they are!” Here’s the deal — understanding what CTAs are is one thing, but mastering the craft of creating good ones is quite another.

If you’re aiming to build your brand or grow your online community, the right CTA can be your sidekick. So, let’s debunk the myths and break down the elements of a killer CTA.

What is a CTA?

First things first: What exactly is a CTA? In content creation, marketing, and brand communication, a CTA — Call to Action — is a prompt that guides your audience to take a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter, clicking a link, or making a purchase. But the magic lies in how you frame it.

A CTA is the bridge that guides your readers from passive spectators to active participants.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What makes a great CTA?

It’s all about clarity, relevance, and persuasion. You need to make it crystal clear what you want your audience to do, and why they should do it.

Be direct, but don’t forget the emotional element. People love to feel like they’re making a smart choice. So, offer them a reason that makes them say, “Heck yes, I want in!”

Key CTA Tips

  1. Be Clear and Actionable: Your CTA should leave no room for ambiguity. Use clear and action-oriented language that tells the audience exactly what to do. For example, “Sign up now,” “Get started,” or “Schedule a call”.
  2. Keep it Concise: CTAs should be concise and to the point. Avoid long sentences or unnecessary information that might distract from the main action.
  3. Make it Visually Stand Out: Use contrasting colors, buttons, or font styles to make the CTA visually distinct from the rest of the content. It should be easily noticeable.
  4. Personalize when Possible: If you have data on your audience’s preferences or behavior, consider personalizing CTAs. This is an amazing thing to do.
  5. Mobile Optimization: A lot of people forget this, but most viewers use a mobile interface rather than a desktop. Ensure that your CTAs are mobile-friendly. Mobile users should have no difficulty clicking on or interacting with your CTAs on smaller screens.

CTA Strategies

1. Use action words

To make your CTAs stand out, use action words that provoke excitement, urgency, or curiosity. Think about phrases like “Grab Your Free Ebook Now,” “Join the Exclusive Club,” or “Don’t Miss Out on This Limited Offer.” If it doesn’t give you FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), you need a revamp.

2. Good humor is good business

When crafting your CTA, don’t be afraid to add a dash of wit. It’s like seasoning your content with a pinch of humor — it keeps your audience engaged and entertained. After all, if you can make them smile, they’re more likely to click that button.

There are different kinds of humor you can explore: Dramatic Irony, Self-Deprecating, Wisecrack, Sarcasm, Wordplay, Satire, Witticism, Hyperbole, Situational Comedy

3. Brand consistency

One common misconception is that CTAs have to be boring and generic. But here’s a belief shift for you — your CTA should reflect your brand’s personality. If you’re gentle and witty, like yours truly, let your CTA be a reflection of that. It’s about making your audience feel like they’re connecting with a real person behind the brand.

4. Social Proof

Social proof can be a game-changer. Include testimonials, reviews, or even numbers to show that others have taken the desired action and benefited from it. It’s like saying, “Hey, you’re not alone in this; plenty of folks have found value in what we offer. Join us”.

If you’re new to this and want help in creating a content strategy. I’ve created a free template to help you with developing a simple content strategy for your brand.

Click here to get it

See what I did there.

You can follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter for more personal updates and tips.

I’m a communication and management specialist.

I build communities for businesses and create targeted content for audience building and marketing. Let’s get in touch if you need my services.




Destiny Felinah

I help creators & solopreneurs build brands | Content Strategist & Creator | Branding and content marketing tips. Exploring entrepreneurship & passive income