12 Signs Someone Thinks They Are Better Than You

9 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by Cassiano Psomas from Pexels

There are people out there who truly believe they are superior to everyone else. They have an inflated ego, a need for control, or a deep-seated insecurity that they mask by putting others down.

Whenever you’re interacting with such people, something always feels off. And if you don’t understand what you’re dealing with, you can come out of a conversation with them feeling belittled and even emotionally exhausted.

This is why I’ve compiled these 12 signs to help you quickly spot them to avoid emotional turmoil. Understanding the signs, you can remain calm and approach them from a clear-headed and empathetic position.

Without further ado, here are 12 signs someone thinks they’re better than you. (You’ll also learn how to deal with these types of people at the end of the article.)

1. They frequently interrupt while you’re speaking

It is a mark of wisdom and humility to understand there’s a lot in this world you still don’t know — no matter how much you think you’ve learned.

This is why Socrates, after being pronounced the wisest man in Athens by the Oracle of Delphi still didn’t believe he was the wisest. He even had to look for someone wiser himself just so he could prove the Oracle wrong.




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