Destra Network: Decentralized DNS

Destra Network
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Destra Decentralized DNS — ERC-137 & ERC-1185 Hybrid

In the past decade, groundbreaking advancements in the blockchain and Web3 ecosystems have occurred. From witnessing the first bitcoin block mined on a 2009 PC to hitting trillion-dollar market caps, all advancements in the space have seen exponential growth year over year. We have witnessed how cryptocurrencies changed the paths of communities and even countries.

We have so much to say about how our space evolved and positively impacted millions of lives. Yet, even 15 years after the first block was mined, we still rely on the Web2 Domain Name System’s centralized and hyper-surveilled architecture. It is mind-blowing to think about how much visibility and control these big corporations have over our internet traffic. Our DNS service providers can visit each and every domain we go to. Coming back to our Web3, this control over our internet traffic by Web2 corporations is concerning.

Every other protocol adds the tag “decentralized” to their protocol, yet all their traffic is routed through these centralized big corporates’ controlled Domain Name Systems.

ENS architecture is primarily designed for the vanity names for Ethereum addresses. Although it will be used in phase 1 of Destra Net to function as domain names for decentralized websites hosted on the Destra Net, the Ethereum foundation already discussed this issue, but it didn’t gain much momentum, as it must have had pushback from the Web2 companies, especially ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), which currently has scary power and control over the Domain Naming System. To fix this and support decentralization on Web3, we are building a Domain Naming System based on the ERC-137 and ERC-1185 standards. Our system strictly adheres to the ERC-1185 ( and ERC-137 ( standards and is a combination of the best of both.

Hybrid Approach for Decentralized DNS Combining ERC-137 and ERC-1185 allowed for a 100% decentralized DNS system on Ethereum that not only translates domain names into Ethereum addresses (like ENS) but also incorporates multiple dimensions or attributes for each domain name. Our hybrid approach offers several advantages over the ENS:

1.⁠ ⁠Subdomains & Better DNS management: By incorporating ERC-1185, each domain name can carry additional information or rights beyond just address resolution. This also includes subdomain management, access rights to certain services like TXT records, and custom cryptographic keys for enhanced security.

2.⁠ ⁠Increased Flexibility: A multi-dimensional token approach would allow domain owners to manage and transfer a broader range of properties associated with their domain, all within a single token.

3.⁠ ⁠Improved Security and Decentralization: Building on the Ethereum blockchain, Destra’s hybrid system benefits from the security and decentralization of blockchain technology, making DNS records more resistant to censorship, tampering, and downtime.

4.⁠ ⁠Integration with Existing Infrastructure: For practical use, this system will integrate with existing DNS infrastructure.

