De-stress Dulwich Meets Kristy Coleman Nutrition

De-stress Dulwich
3 min readFeb 12, 2019

I am very excited to be able to introduce Kristy Coleman, a Nutritional Therapist who uses the latest evidence-based nutrition to support health and well-being. Kristy offers personal consultations and runs various group workshops, including a local baby weaning workshop as part of Takes A Village at The Lordship in East Dulwich.

Thanks so much for talking to us today. Tell us a bit about yourself and what led you to work in nutritional therapy?

After 10 years working as a city solicitor, I decided to jump the corporate ship and follow my life long passion for nutrition. I was fed up with seeing sensationalist headlines and being confused, like so many others, and saw nutritional therapy as a way of being able to support my clients through evidence-based advice. Gut health is my main area of specialism.

You’re right, it can be so confusing! And with such busy lives, it can be difficult to find the time to really understand what we should be eating. What are your top tips for someone looking to improve their nutrition whilst juggling all the demands of work and family life?

Go back to basics and keep it simple. You don’t need fancy super powders or expensive supplements but what you eat is important. Try to focus on what you can put in instead of what you take out, increase the number of vegetables and fruit (in that order) you eat over the course of the week, eat a range of colours for a greater spectrum of nutrients and replace heavily processed foods with food in its natural state. Cooking for a family can be challenging at times (my toddler is very unpredictable!) but take time to sit and eat all together at least twice a week. Be a role model and encourage your children to learn about food and where it comes from.

Keeping it simple is exactly what we are aiming for in our search for self-care. What does everyday self-care look like for you?

For me, self-care is carving out the time for exercise. I always feel so much better when I’ve had half an hour to myself to do something that makes me happy and I love the feeling of being more awake after I’ve done some movement, although these occasions are much rarer than I’d like.

It can be difficult to find the time to incorporate exercise into our schedules. What brought you to SE London and what do you love most about it?

One of my closest friends moved to the area and on a whim, we decided to leave urban Bermondsey and head down to Herne Hill without knowing too much about it. The thing I love most is the sense of community and that ‘village’ feel this part of London has.

It is an amazing community over here! Finally, how can people get in touch with you to learn more?

If you’d like to know more about how I work or find out more about events I’m running, contact, visit my website or @kristycolemannutrition on Instagram.

Thanks so much Kristy! I will keep an eye out for your local events.



De-stress Dulwich

Aiming to help fellow SE London residents (and beyond) find ways to relax and de-stress that can fit around our busy lives. One small mindful step at a time.