Training Day

The time is now.

Fitness for the Apocalypse
2 min readMar 12, 2024

“Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.”
Carl Sagan, The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God

By now I am sure all of you have been diligently practicing and are ready to incorporate what you have learned into a 6-week program.

The focus of this first section will be to continue to refine your form and to begin to build strength in the movements.

Since there is no telling when this training is going to come into play it is recommended that you start at your earliest convenience.

The workouts will be laid out in an A/B pattern and be done 3 days per week.
Week one: Monday-A/Wednesday-B/Friday-A
Week two: Monday-B/Wednesday-A/Friday-B

We’re going to start with a warm-up which will be:
Joint rotations x 10–20 each.
Original strength resets.
Workout A:
5 sets of each
Push-ups (or floor press) x 5
Rows x 5
Squats x 5
5 sets of 15 kettlebell swings.

Workout B:
5 sets of each
Pull-ups x 3
Overhead press x 5
Deadlift x 5
5 sets of 15 kettlebell swings

Rest as needed between sets.

You want to choose a weight that is challenging but doable and add as needed. There are formulas for how much weight to add but we are going to be going on how you feel.

We are also going to add in a 30:00-minute walk each day in preparation for the upcoming training I will be outlining for a fifty-mile march (or walk).

Pick one day each week and make the walk a little longer and continue to add time to that longer walk as we go along.

You should prioritize this training and try not to do more or less than is needed.

If you stick with this you will notice some pretty solid changes in a relatively short time.

Follow and sign up for emails so you will not miss anything and to make sure you’re ready to be useful when the time comes.

To help support this page you can get a copy of my Release, Mobilize, Activate e-book, a comprehensive guide to tissue work, stretching, and strengthening for help in designing your own mobility program by sending $7.50 via PayPal



Fitness for the Apocalypse

Your home for practical fitness advice that applies to learning and mastering skills that will come in handy when things get rough