Christ in you!

The Teenagers' Devotional
2 min readJun 9, 2019


Kingdom ink

The Teenagers’ Devotional

By Deacon Emmanuel Doe

Victory Bible Church Int. Rhema Sanctuary

West Africa, Ghana Accra Kotobabi

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Colossians 1:27 New Living Translation

…………………. Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing His glory.

Glory is defined simply as “the beauty of God”.

Dear, you being a Christian simply means, Christ lives in you, how and where? In your heart through the Holy Spirit.

Christ living in you as our anchor scripture is saying simply means we have to share in His beauty, nature, power, love, sound mind, peace, life, etc.

Christ in you means you should live the very life Christ lived on His stay on the planet earth.

Sweetheart, if Christ, lived beyond sickness, the same way you should live beyond sickness, if Christ lived a life of no lack, the same way you should live the life of no lack. Well, you might be in school now and your parents or guardians should be the people providing for you, but as you are in that family, you are the Christ (the anointed one) in that family. Give no room for defeat of any kind, being sickness, lack, blockheadedness or dump in class.

Christ lives in you that is the hope that we have to live as He is. 1 John 4:17 King James Bible ……..As He is, so are we in this world.

We are not to fight for victory or to live a life of victory independently but we are to live our victory through Christ Jesus because He already won the victory for us on the cross of Calvary thousands of years ago.

Colossians 2:9 New Living Translation — For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.

Thus, if the everything and anything of God lives in Christ bodily and Christ lives in you, wow, then you are a powerful being on the face of this planet earth.

Baby, never be deceived by anyone, age is just a number, you might be a teenager now, but Christ still lives in you like the man or woman who is eighty years of age.

Live with this mindset and you will be a sign and a wonder to your generation. Hallelujah, I love you dearly and I’m always waiting for you at the of the mountain.


Christ Jesus, I thank You for winning the victory for me, many years ago on the cross, I ask You now, with the help of Holy Spirit to give me the wisdom, understanding and the knowledge to be able to live this victorious life you already lived for me. Jesus, I love You dearly and I thank You!

Daily Scripture Study

Colossians 2:6–15



The Teenagers' Devotional

A devotional which is to help teenagers know Jesus, get them closer to Him and be able to fulfil their assignment on the planet earth.