The gift of Righteousness

The Teenagers' Devotional
2 min readJun 6, 2019



Romans 5:17 Amplified Bible (AMP) — For if by the trespass of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (Adam), much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in [eternal] life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah! Sweetheart, pause read our opening text again, please, listen to me, just one last time.

Wow! Did you smile at it? Please, for some few minutes. How blessed, privileged we have that righteous is a gift but we need not do anything to be righteous, Wow, so you mean, I have the gift of righteousness through Christ? Yes, baby, you as far as you have Christ Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior.

Righteousness simply means right standing with God. Mas was standing right with God until he fell, so Jesus came to put us back to that right standing with the Lord.

Having this mindset and confidence, let us always go to God because we know we have a right standing with God through Christ Jesus.

The bible said, Abraham believed God and it was accounted or credited to him as righteousness (Scripture Reference — Romans 4:2–3). Same way, we also just need faith or believe that we are right with God because of Christ Jesus.

Sweetheart, it’s our birthright or right as children of God to be righteous. It’s a gift, let’s just receive it as we receive Christ and walk in it by faith.


Praise the Lord Jesus! I have a right standing with God through Christ Jesus. I partake in everything Christ has done for me as a son — Hallelujah!

Daily Scripture Study

Genesis 15



The Teenagers' Devotional

A devotional which is to help teenagers know Jesus, get them closer to Him and be able to fulfil their assignment on the planet earth.