Photo Credit: Anna Subbotina

Borderless — Episode 1: Prologue

Ashley de Tello
4 min readMay 8, 2020

This is the first episode in the serialized romance novel, “Borderless: Love Knows No Borders.” Each segment of the story will be released as a separate publication as it is written. Visit Borderless Central to learn about the book and view the table of contents to know where to start and which article to read next.

Katherine stared at the light coming from the lamppost outside her window as it poked through the blinds and danced across the dark walls of her bedroom. Her knees protested her kneeling position on the cold hard surface of the tile floor. As she leaned forward on her bed to give her knees some relief, she glanced over at the black nametag sitting on her nightstand.

She smiled as she read the title, “Hermana Daniels”, written above the name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She had wanted to serve a mission for so long that it felt like a dream each time she put on that nametag and stepped onto the streets of Santiago, Chile with her companion to find and teach anyone willing to listen to their message.

She looked over at her companion who was already in bed and chuckled at the day’s events. They had gotten into a conversation about God with a woman on the bus and had lost track of everything else. They didn’t even realize that they had missed their stop until ten minutes later when all the passing surroundings were suddenly very unfamiliar.

They got off at the next stop and made the long walk back to their original destination. Despite her sore feet, Katherine knew it had been worth it. The woman on the bus had eagerly accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon.

I’ll add her to my prayers tonight, Katherine thought.

Then, as she had done every night since arriving in Chile, Katherine began making mental notes of all the people she wanted to include in her prayer. Names of the individuals she and her companion had taught that day came first, followed by those they would teach the next day, and then the next. She pondered their specific challenges and how she could ask God for help in meeting their needs.

When she was confident that she hadn’t forgotten anyone, she bowed her head to begin her prayer.

Pray that your husband will be prepared for you.

The prompting came so suddenly that Katherine looked up, startled, her curly locks bouncing around her face. She stared again at the lights dancing across her wall as if they could illuminate the meaning of such a specific prompting.

My husband? Prepared? Prepared for what? she thought in surprise. Her future husband was the farthest thing from her mind right now. She was a missionary. Men and dating weren’t even on her radar these days, let alone her future husband.

Prepared for what? she wondered again. Am I going to be a lot to handle?

Pray that your husband will be prepared for you. The prompting came again.

A little bewildered, Katherine conceded. Okayhow does he need to be prepared?

Pray that your husband will be prepared for you.

Clearly, she wasn’t getting any more information out of her queries. Pray that my husband will be prepared for me? She mulled over the words. Alright. So… should I just say those words in my prayer?

Before she could puzzle any longer over how strange this all was, Katherine was reminded of an account in the Book of Mormon when the people were “given what they should pray.”

Is that what is happening right now? Katherine asked.

A deep burning in her heart seemed to warm her whole body and fill her with certainty all at once.

I am giving you what you should pray, came the reply. Pray that your husband will be prepared for you.

Okay, she consented. I will.

She leaned forward on her bed once again and bowed her head. Dear Heavenly Father, she began, I pray… that my husband will be prepared for me… It came out awkwardly at first, but a peaceful satisfaction came over her as she continued her prayer.

In the coming weeks and months, she would wonder at the prompting each time she knelt to pray, but she continued to send her request heavenward. She had been given what she should pray. She could not see why, but she knew that God was the one guiding her.

That was all Katherine needed to know.

Read Episode 2 to finish the prologue.



Ashley de Tello

A longtime writer and editor, Ashley now owns a publishing company dedicated to producing and refining content for books and websites.