Foods that can keep you healthy as ever

4 min readMay 12, 2019


key foods that can help you achieve great health

Photo by Brooke Lark at Unsplash

Food is not just food, Just like oil it keeps our engine going and food is no different. Food is the fuel to our body, without it we aren’t going to function properly. The food we eat is the main factor on how we age, beauty, live, breath, exercise and how it affects our immune system. But, to not over complicate things here are the key foods that I found will help us maintain that healthy lifestyle we want. Here are my list of foods that can help us be healthy.

photo by Brigitte Tohm at Unplash

Fruits, shocking right? through our life, even as a kid we are told that fruit such as apple, banana, orange and a lot more are good for us. They aren’t kidding. Fruits such as blueberries are super packed with vitamin A and C. Blueberries also contain flavonoids (Flave-noids) which belong to a family of antioxidant called polyphenols they play an important role on keeping our lovely face beautiful, and keeps us protected from skin damage. It’s the fruit you want to eat to look like your in your 20's forever.

If you have high blood pressure and cholesterol obviously it’s a sign of bad health. You know who you are, including myself. If you visit and ask your doctor what you should do, 100% of the time your doctor would tell you to eat more vegetables.

Image by Bonnie Kittle at Pixabay

I know I know, some of us just hate vegetables. But According to a study found in 2018, Spinach is one of the best vegetable to consume. 56% of raw Spinach contains vitamin A and K, it’s also only 7 calories, WOW!. Spinach also contains chlorophyll, according to studies chlorophyll is effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines, which is found in meats and can cause cancer. Spinach helps you promote a healthy heart and fight to decrease your risk of getting cancer, and nobody wants cancer so try to incorporate Spinach in your next meal.

photo by Barret Baker at Unsplash

Green Tea is one of the most healthiest drink out there. Green Tea contains polyphenols antioxidant which is also found in blueberries and a large amount of catechin. These two substance protects our cells and molecules from damages. Catechin is one of the most powerful substance in Green Tea, it has been studied to treat various disease, that’s why Green Tea was used as a medicine in ancient times, and even now today. I would recommend using high quality brands of green tea, many low quality brands contains a heavy dose of fluoride. But, the benefits is still outweigh the bad. Go ahead and enjoy a cup of tea every morning.

I save the good for last.

photo by Charisee Kenion at Unplash

Yes, some chocolate are good for you, especially dark chocolate.

Dark Chocolate is loaded of nutrients that is good for your health. They contain a load of antioxidant which can help you lower the chances of you getting heart disease and surprisingly, Dark Chocolate has more antioxidant than blueberries, yes, you heard it right. Dark Chocolate also contain 11 grams of fiber which helps your digestive system. Just because it’s nutritious for you, don’t stuff your face with too much Dark Chocolate, expert says that consume it moderately, because Dark Chocolate is overloaded with calories.

We all want to achieve good health and beauty, this list doesn’t instantly achieve that. With a daily exercise, good diet and proper intake of nutrients surely you can accomplish what your desire lifestyle to be.




Writing and blogging are my passion, there is something that’s powerful about expressing your feeling and desire in written form, it’s an art.