How To Prepare Yourself For Mountain Living

Devin Caldwell
3 min readMay 21, 2019


Moving into the mountains is an exciting time in one’s life. The new terrain will bring fresh objectives and challenges to go along with it. One will want to prepare as much as possible before the big move by becoming familiar with the intricacies of mountain living.

The planet is full of many different environments. Each and every one of them would make a newbie anxious at first. Humans have shown a great ability to adapt time and time again. Changes in the environment are naturally going to have challenges, but it is made worse if a person is completely closed off from a new environment working for his or herself. Adjustments will be made. There is no denying that, and one will want to prepare by having the right equipment and supplies for their new home in the mountains.

Way Up High

It won’t be Minnesota or Florida, but something much closer to the clouds. The countryside near the mountains is exquisite. Forest nestled among the rocks and dirt paths. The calm creek passes gently as it hands the sun’s shine off of its surface. Everything seems right in the world. It’s true that one can’t fully experience something unless they are immersed. One can’t live in the mountains before the moving vehicle is packed up and ready.

What does a person put into the moving vehicle? This depends on a person’s situation but anyone moving to a mountainous terrain is going to have to understand that mountain living is a bit different than other living environments. What one wears regularly is going to play no small part in what a person should consider acquiring the big mountain move.

Dress Not Only To Impress

Simply because you are moving to a particular mountainous climate doesn’t mean there will be singularity throughout every mountain region in the world. When researching about mountain living and what to expect from the change, narrow down your research topic specific to the location you are considering. A countryside in Colorado will be different than that in Tibet.

Understand the weather patterns in the place you are moving to. Being unprepared clothing wise will be a big no-no. How long will the summer months last in your new location? The weather in your new town will directly dictate what types of clothes you will be wearing primarily. Make sure the clothing is resistant and appropriate to mountain living.

What To Drive

You’ve been flipping through Subaru Outback review after review and have decided that is a perfect fit for your family needs. Whether it is an Outback or a different make and model, one has to prepare for driving in the mountains. Driving around the steep bends can be tricky. Factor in issues caused by weather patterns and mountain driving can be quite challenging.

Having a vehicle with four-wheel drive is essential when living in the mountains. If one wants to get around by a motorized vehicle, he or she will have a hard time if the vehicle doesn’t have four-wheel drive capabilities. It’s always a good practice to make sure the car is in good condition. The brakes, windshield wipers, heater, and every system will surely want to be functioning properly in the mountains. The elements can be challenging but not impossible.



Devin Caldwell

I’m a writer on a journey to share my passions with the world.