How we build our business. Photography. And art.


Here’s a list of how to blog.

Learn about Macroing.

Learn basics of Google.

Just a fun shoutout! Testing upload and what not.

Splitting URLS on Google Sheets the long way.

Splitting URL to Column!

Splitting URLs in google Sheets

Learn about Google drive and how to work from home.

Learn to organize Google drive.

Okay let’s jump to art.

Check out my Tableau public photography. Pictures taken by my wife and I. It’s a lot of fun to share this.

Holding my son Andoni.

1 of 9 — for a 3x3 grid!

Images of my son and I.

3 of 9–3x3 grid art!

More images my wife took of me and my son at 95% jpeg quality.

A quick experiment! Testing out before the 0–100 jpeg experiment.

My son is beautiful.

More from Gary! Thanks for the support. Hope you learn a bunch!

