Remember; a call for collective recollection, resilience & joy

Dev Shirah Suchin
2 min readJun 7, 2024


Remember, my friend -

that nothing (& especially no part of the soil that makes up your body & the water particles that make up you mind), can ever be taken from you.

Remember, my beloved -

that your shining (your ability to feel and cultivate freedom), is your gift to the world

Remember, my kin -

that what is innately yours can never be permanently diminished (momentarily, yes), but it is available to you whenever you have the strength to invite it in, once more.

once more,

into the abyss of light,

my friend.

once more,

into the fray of (rhythmic, pulsating, cyclical, lunar) -


once more,

into the dance, we step - knowingly (& unknowingly)

playing their game - perhaps (but also, at the same time always playing our own - of care, kindness, accountability, trust, freedom & love)

& most of all,


oh, my soul

do not forget to cultivate capacity and appreciation for and of -


oh, my love,

you are made up & out of; tree particles, star molecules, universally constituted light -

you are made up & out of; unshakable strength, undeniable beauty & irrevocable love

oh, kind soul,

hold this truth in your heart.

hold it gently, carefully, with strength -

knowing that it is yours, accessible to you in each moment

whenever you remember

to know it.

[Hi! Thanks for being here, and for absorbing this earthy, soil-fed compost heap of thoughts. I appreciate you! I hope, whoever you are reading this, that you are safe, well, and surrounded by community support.

A spoken word “poem video” (my version of a music video ;) of this poem, can be witnessed here. My latest, on dew drops & napping bees can be found here. Till the next one,

xo -


© 2024 Dev Shirah Suchin. All rights reserved.



Dev Shirah Suchin

Exploring the chaos & wonder of existence through poetry. I act as a conduit for the trees; they speak to me & I attempt to interpret their magic.