ST, French destroyers

Devblog Wows
10 min readMar 26, 2019


In addition to the announcement of a new line of ships, we would also like to share with you the concept and features behind the gameplay of French destroyers.
First of all, the French are artillery destroyers with Engine Boost, giving + 20% to the speed and Main Battery Reload consumable, accelerating the reload of the main caliber guns by 50%. When fighting in them, it is necessary to properly use the advantage in speed and the ability over a short period of time to significantly increase firepower. They have good armor-piercing shells, which at high tiers can cause damage directly to the citadel of light cruisers from a distance of 8–10 km and heavy cruisers from a distance of 6–7 km. An inconsiderate cruiser, presenting broadside, can become an easy target!

A nice addition will be torpedoes with an average range of 8 km, but an impressive speed of 75 knots.

The main difference — the lack of the seemingly standard and basic consumable for destroyers — Smoke Generator. But, given the fact that the destroyer at tier X can achieve speeds of up to 55 knots, this deficiency can be partly compensated for with skillful maneuvering and speed changes. In addition, the hit points of the French destroyers are allocated in the same manner as the test destroyer L’effronté (Le Terrible). This system allows destroyers to live longer under intense enemy fire.

To sum up, we can say that this new concept of destroyers is more suited to those who prefer speed and an artillery heavy style of play, and for the successful implementation of all their strengths, commanders will need to develop two skills — competent positioning and a “Hit and Run” style of combat.

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change during the testing. AA parameters are not shown because they are being balanced.

Enseigne Gabolde, tier II

Hit points — 7600. Plating — 6 mm.

Main battery — 3x1 100 mm. Firing range — 9.8 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1450. Chance to cause fire — 4%. Maximum AP shell damage — 1600.
Reload time — 6.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 9.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 88 м. HE initial velocity — 740 m/s. AP initial velocity — 740 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x2 550 mm. Maximum damage — 12233. Range — 6.0 km. Speed — 57 kt. Reload time — 56 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.2 km.

Maximum speed — 31 kt. Turning circle radius — 450 m. Rudder shift time — 2.0 s. Surface detectability — 5.9 km. Air detectability — 2.1 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 1.8 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 120 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 180 s (120 s); Charges 2 (3).

Fusilier, tier III

Hit points — 10900. Plating — 6 mm.

Main battery — 4x1 100 mm. Firing range — 9.5 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1450. Chance to cause fire — 4%. Maximum AP shell damage — 1600.
Reload time — 6.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 9.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 86 м. HE initial velocity — 740 m/s. AP initial velocity — 740 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 12233. Range — 6.0 km. Speed — 57 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.2 km.

Maximum speed — 34 kt. Turning circle radius — 530 m. Rudder shift time — 2.9 s. Surface detectability — 6.7 km. Air detectability — 2.5 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 2.0 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s)
  • 2 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 120 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 180 s (120 s); Charges 2 (3).

Bourrasque, tier IV

Hit points — 11700. Plating — 10 mm

Main battery — 4x1 130 mm. Firing range — 11.8 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1900. Chance to cause fire — 9%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2300.
Reload time — 6.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 18.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 104 м. HE initial velocity — 725 m/s. AP initial velocity — 725 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 14833. Range — 9.0 km. Speed — 60 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.3 km.

Maximum speed — 33 kt. Turning circle radius — 560 m. Rudder shift time — 3.0 s. Surface detectability — 6.8 km. Air detectability — 2.7 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 2.6 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 120 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 180 s (120 s); Charges 2 (3).

Jaguar, tier V

Hit points — 16600. Plating — 10 mm.

Main battery — 5x1 130 mm. Firing range — 12.1 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1900. Chance to cause fire — 9%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2300.
Reload time — 6.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 18.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 106 м. HE initial velocity — 725 m/s. AP initial velocity — 725 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 14833. Range — 9.0 km. Speed — 60 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.3 km.

Maximum speed — 36 kt. Turning circle radius — 660 m. Rudder shift time — 4.0 s. Surface detectability — 7.2 km. Air detectability — 3.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 2.7 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 120 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 180 s (120 s); Charges 2 (3).

Guepard, tier VI

Hit points — 17200. Plating — 16 mm.

Main battery — 5x1 139 mm. Firing range — 13.0 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1400. Chance to cause fire — 9%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2600.
Reload time — 4.8 s. 180 degree turn time — 27.7 s. Maximum dispersion — 113 м. HE initial velocity — 700 m/s. AP initial velocity — 700 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 14833. Range — 9.0 km. Speed — 60 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.3 km.

Maximum speed — 36 kt. Turning circle radius — 680 m. Rudder shift time — 4.1 s. Surface detectability — 7.7 km. Air detectability — 3.6 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 3.1 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Main Battery Reload Booster
  • Duration time 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time 150 s (100 s); Charges 3 (4).
  • 3 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 180 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 120 s (90 s); Charges 2 (3).

Vauquelin, tier VII

Hit points — 16900. Plating — 16 mm.

Main battery — 5x1 139 mm. Firing range — 13.0 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 1400. Chance to cause fire — 9%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2600.
Reload time — 4.8 s. 180 degree turn time — 27.7 s. Maximum dispersion — 113 м. HE initial velocity — 700 m/s. AP initial velocity — 700 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 3x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 18400. Range — 8.0 km. Speed — 57 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.2 km.

Maximum speed — 36 kt. Turning circle radius — 670 m. Rudder shift time — 4.0 s. Surface detectability — 7.6 km. Air detectability — 4.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 3.0 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Main Battery Reload Booster
  • Duration time 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time 150 s (100 s); Charges 3 (4).
  • 3 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 180 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 120 s (90 s); Charges 2 (3).

Le Fantasque, tier VIII

Hit points — 18500. Plating — 19 mm.

Main battery — 5x1 139 mm. Firing range — 12.8 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 2000. Chance to cause fire — 10%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2700. Reload time — 5.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 18.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 111 м.

HE initial velocity — 840 m/s. AP initial velocity — 840 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 3x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 18400. Range — 8.0 km. Speed — 75 kt. Reload time — 90 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.4 km.

Maximum speed — 43 kt. Turning circle radius — 690 m. Rudder shift time — 4.3 s. Surface detectability — 8.2 km. Air detectability — 4.1 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 3.3 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Main Battery Reload Booster
  • Duration time 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time 150 s (100 s); Charges 3 (4).
  • 3 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 180 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 120 s (90 s); Charges 2 (3).

Mogador, tier IX

Hit points — 20200. Plating — 19 mm.

Main battery — 4x2 139 mm. Firing range — 13.0 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 2000. Chance to cause fire — 10%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2700. Reload time — 7.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 18.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 113 м.
HE initial velocity — 840 m/s. AP initial velocity — 840 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 4x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 14833. Range — 9.0 km. Speed — 60 kt. Reload time — 60 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.3 km.

Maximum speed — 44 kt. Turning circle radius — 730 m. Rudder shift time — 4.7 s. Surface detectability — 8.1 km. Air detectability — 3.9 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 3.3 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Main Battery Reload Booster
  • Duration time 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time 150 s (100 s); Charges 3 (4).
  • 3 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 180 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 120 s (180 s); Charges 2 (3).

Kleber, tier X

Hit points — 21900. Plating — 19 mm.

Main battery — 4x2 139 mm. Firing range — 13.6 km.

Maximum HE shell damage — 2000. Chance to cause fire — 10%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2700. Reload time — 7.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 18.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 117 м.
HE initial velocity — 840 m/s. AP initial velocity — 840 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 4x3 550 mm. Maximum damage — 18400. Range — 8.0 km. Speed — 75 kt. Reload time — 77 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.4 km.
AA sector reinforcement — 50 %, sector reinforcement time — 5 s, sector reinforcement shift time — 5 s.
Maximum speed — 44 kt. Turning circle radius — 740 m. Rudder shift time — 4.8 s. Surface detectability — 8.0 km. Air detectability — 4.3 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 3.2 km.

Available consumables:

  • 1 slot — Damage Control Party
  • Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s (40 s).
  • 2 slot — Main Battery Reload Booster
  • Duration time 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time 150 s (100 s); Charges 3 (4).
  • 3 slot — Engine Boost
  • Duration time 180 s; Maximum speed +20%; Reload time 120 s (90 s); Charges 2 (3).

