ST, new ships

Devblog Wows
3 min readMay 24, 2019


Japanese destroyer Hayate, tier X

This destroyer is an unusual representative of her nation: the initial concept involves a universal ship with a good main battery and nice torpedoes.

Due to the HE shells increased damage and a high turn time of the main battery, even within the range of Japanese torpedo destroyers, the ship has now all it takes to fight classmates with intensified strength.

Traditionally strong torpedo weapons can be strengthened by consumable “Torpedo Reload Booster”. But in this case, it will require to sacrifice Smoke Generator.

Hit points — 20800. Plating — 19 mm.

Main battery — 3x2 127 mm. Firing range — 11.6 km. Maximum HE shell damage — 2150. Chance to cause fire — 9%. Maximum AP shell damage — 2200. Reload time — 4.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 10.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 102 м. HE initial velocity — 915 m/s. AP initial velocity — 915 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Torpedo tubes — 2x5 610 mm. Maximum damage — 23767. Range — 12.0 km. Speed — 67 kt. Reload time — 153 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability — 1.7 km.

AA defense: 8x1 25 mm. 3x2 127 mm. 5x2 40 mm.

Maximum speed — 37 kt. Turning circle radius — 750 m. Rudder shift time — 4.6 s. Surface detectability — 7.7 km. Air detectability — 3.8 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 2.9 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot — Damage Control Party;

2 slot — Smoke Generator / Torpedo Reload Booster (torpedo tube reload time: 8 s);

3 slot — Engine Boost.

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during testing.

British battleship Thunderer, tier X

Thunderer continues to develop the concept of the Vanguard battleship: a fragile ship with good maneuverability and fine accuracy of the main battery.

The battleship’s relatively weak armor is compensated by a short turn time of the main battery, unique Repair Party and Defensive AA fire, which also allows her to repel air attacks.

Hit points — 82900. Plating — 32 mm.

Main battery — 4x2 457 mm. Firing range — 24.2 km. Maximum HE shell damage — 8200. Chance to cause fire — 63%. Maximum AP shell damage — 14900. Reload time — 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time — 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion — 301 м. HE initial velocity — 757 m/s. AP initial velocity — 762 m/s. Sigma — 2.00.

Secondary Armament: 8x2 133.0 mm, range — 6.0 km. Maximum HE shell damage — 1900. Chance to cause fire — 8%. HE initial velocity — 792 m/s.

AA defense: 7x6 40.0 mm. 8x1 40.0 mm. 4x2 20.0 mm. 8x2 133.0 mm. 12x2 40.0 mm.

AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second — 138, hit probability — 70 %, action zone 0.1–1.5 km;

AA defense mid-range: number of explosions in a salvo — 14, damage within an explosion — 980, continuous damage per second — 815, hit probability — 75 %, action zone 1.5–3.5 km;

AA defense long-range: number of explosions in a salvo — 4, damage within an explosion — 1610, continuous damage per second — 121, hit probability — 75 %, action zone 3.5–6.0 km;

AA sector reinforcement — 25 %, sector reinforcement time — 12 s, sector reinforcement shift time — 12 s.

Maximum speed — 29.5 kt. Turning circle radius — 820 m. Rudder shift time — 10.4 s. Surface detectability — 15.7 km. Air detectability — 12.5 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 16.7 km.

Available consumables:

1 slot — Damage Control Party;

2 slot — Repair Party (Healing: 0.6% of maximum hit points per second, citadel repair: 33%, reload time: 90 (60) s);

3 slot — Defensive AA fire.

All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during testing.

P.S. We thank NA CC AprilWhiteMouse for envisioning the future

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

