ST, test ships changes

Devblog Wows
4 min readJan 29, 2019


Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Italian destroyer Leone, tier VI.

The Smoke Generator is replaced with a similar consumable to the American Destroyer Farragut:

  • Сharges: 2 (Smoke Generator I) and 3 (Smoke Generator II);
  • Cooldown: 240 sec (smoke Generator I) and 160 sec (smoke Generator II);
  • Duration: 30 sec;
  • Smoke dispersion time: 118 sec.

The Leone guns rotate quite slowly and do have not the best aiming angles. These disadvantages will remain the distinctive characteristics of the ship, but the improved parameters of the smoke screen compensate for them and allow the destroyer to effectively utilize the main caliber guns in battle.

  • Increased initial shell velocity from 750 to 850 m / s and improved ballistics;
  • Increased maximum AP shell damage from 2000 to 2100.

This Italian destroyer had very specific ballistic parameters, that reduced the effectiveness of firing at long ranges to almost zero. These new characteristics will alleviate this issue.

Soviet destroyer Neustrashimy, tier IX.

Main battery now can rotate 360 degrees, allowing the Neustrashimy to be more effective in maneuver battle.

Torpedoes replaced by more powerful ones, emphasizing the role of the Neustrashimy as a torpedo destroyer:

  • Cooldown reduced from 131 seconds to 125 seconds;
  • Maximum torpedo damage increased from 14 600 to 17 933.

Japanese cruiser Yahagi, tier V.

  • In a separate slot added consumable “Engine Boost”;
  • Reduced rudder shift time from 7.4 to 5.1 sec;
  • Torpedoes replaced with a new one:
  • Range increased from 10 to 12 km;
  • Torpedo speed reduced from 67 knots to 60 knots;
  • Detectability range has been reduced from 1.7 to 1.6 km;
  • Maximum damage reduced from 20 967 to 17 233.

The main problem with the torpedos of Yahagi are the restricted firing angles. In the new concept of the cruiser, we decided to focus on them, compensating for this disadvantage with the ability to launch torpedoes whilst remaining undetected, and increasing maneuverability.

  • Increased initial shell velocity from 825 to 850 m / s;
  • Improved penetration of AP shells.

The previous shells of the cruiser were very weak and did not penetrate through the armor of classmates. The replacement shells fix this issue and increase her effectiveness in combat.

German battleship Viribus Unitis, tier V.

The ship has been moved to level V. The set of characteristics of the Viribus Unitis, and in particular, the excellent armor made it overly effective at tier IV. Characteristics have been adjusted to the following:

  • The firing range of the Secondary Armament has been increased to 4 km;
  • Detectability range increased 10.8 to 12.5 km when firing smoke from 8.4 to 9.54 km;
  • Firing range increased from 14.7 to 16 km;
  • The parameter Sigma is increased from 1.5 to 1.8;
  • Main battery turn time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds;
  • Main battery cooldown reduced from 32 to 30 sec;
  • The increased time to fuse AP shells up to the standard value 0.033;

The ship still retains it’s comparatively low visibility, and with the adjusted values of the main battery, she will be a worthy adversary at her new tier.

Japanese cruiser Azuma, tier IX.

Cruiser moved to tier IX. This reallocation will allow the ship to feel more comfortable in battle. Certain values have been adjusted to reflect the tier change:

  • Secondary Armament firing range reduced to 5 km;
  • Hit points reduced from 71 800 to 58 350;
  • The armor of the central section reduced from 30 to 25 mm, as this was a special feature of the ship at tier X;
  • Removed consumable “Hydroacoustic search”;
  • Main battery reload increased from 18 to 20 sec;
  • Accuracy has been changed to resemble that of standard cruisers (such as the Dm. Donskoi or Roon) instead of ‘super’ cruisers.

The removing of consumable “Hydroacoustic search” will emphasize the role of destroyers as one of the main opponents of large cruisers.

At the same time, the new accuracy parameter will distinguish Azuma from other similar cruisers (Stalingrad, Kronstadt, Alaska), giving the cruiser a feature of Japanese cruisers — good accuracy compared to her classmates and rivals.

