Similarity Search with FAISS: A Practical Guide to Efficient Indexing and Retrieval

Lalithkumar Prakashchand
3 min readJun 14, 2024


In the world of machine learning and artificial intelligence, similarity search plays a pivotal role in numerous applications, ranging from recommendation systems to content retrieval and clustering. However, as the dimensionality and volume of data continue to grow exponentially, traditional brute-force approaches for similarity search become computationally expensive and inefficient. This is where FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) comes into play, offering a powerful and efficient solution for similarity search and clustering of high-dimensional vector data.

What is FAISS?

FAISS is an open-source library developed by Facebook AI Research for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vector embeddings. It provides a collection of algorithms and data structures optimized for various types of similarity search, allowing for fast and accurate retrieval of nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces.

Getting Started with FAISS

To get started with FAISS, you can install it using pip:

pip install faiss-gpu

Note that the faiss-gpu package includes support for GPU acceleration. If you don't have a CUDA-capable GPU, you can install the CPU-only version with pip install faiss-cpu.

Building a Similarity Search Pipeline with FAISS

Let’s walk through the steps involved in building a similarity search pipeline with FAISS, using a practical example of searching for similar text documents based on their vector embeddings.

  1. Data Preprocessing and Vector Embedding

Before we can perform similarity search, we need to convert our data into a dense vector representation suitable for FAISS. In this example, we’ll use a pre-trained sentence transformer model to generate vector embeddings for text documents.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# Load the pre-trained sentence transformer model
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

# Load your text data (e.g., from a file or database)
documents = load_text_data()

# Generate vector embeddings for the documents
document_embeddings = model.encode(documents)

2. Index Creation and Population

Next, we’ll create a FAISS index and add our vector embeddings to the index.

import faiss
import numpy as np

# Create a FAISS index
num_vectors = len(document_embeddings)
dim = len(document_embeddings[0])
faiss_index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(dim) # Inner product for cosine similarity

# Add vectors to the FAISS index
faiss_index.add(np.array(document_embeddings, dtype=np.float32))

In this example, we create a FAISS index using faiss.IndexFlatIP for inner product (cosine similarity) distance metric. We then add our document embeddings to the FAISS index.

  1. Similarity Search

With our index populated, we can now perform similarity searches to find the most relevant documents for a given query.

# Load or generate a query vector
query_vector = model.encode(['This is a sample query text'])

k = 5 # Number of nearest neighbors to retrieve
distances, indices =[query_vector], dtype=np.float32), k)

# Print the most similar documents
for i, index in enumerate(indices[0]):
distance = distances[0][i]
print(f"Nearest neighbor {i+1}: {documents[index]}, Distance {distance}")

In this example, we generate a vector embedding for a sample query text using the same sentence transformer model. We then use the function to retrieve the k nearest neighbors based on cosine similarity. The search function returns the distances and indices of the nearest neighbors.

Finally, we print the most similar documents by retrieving the original text from the documents list using the indices returned by FAISS.

Optimizing Similarity Search with FAISS

FAISS provides several techniques for optimizing similarity search performance, such as:

  • Index Selection: Choose the appropriate index type (e.g., HNSW, PQ, or brute-force) based on your data characteristics and performance requirements.
  • Index Training: For certain index types like PQ, train the index on a representative subset of your data to optimize the index for your specific use case.
  • GPU Acceleration: Leverage GPU acceleration for certain operations to significantly speed up similarity search and clustering tasks.
  • Index Sharding and Distributed Search: For large-scale deployments, shard your index and distribute the search across multiple GPUs or nodes to scale your operations seamlessly.


FAISS is a powerful and efficient library for similarity search and clustering of high-dimensional vector data. By leveraging FAISS, you can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your similarity search operations, enabling you to build robust and efficient machine learning applications.

In this blog post, we explored a practical example of using FAISS for similarity search on text documents. We covered the steps involved, including data preprocessing and vector embedding, index creation and population, and performing similarity searches. By combining FAISS with other powerful libraries and frameworks, such as sentence transformers or deep learning models, you can unlock new possibilities and push the boundaries of what’s achievable in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

