DevCongress is Having A Meetup On 15th July

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2017

For software developers, meetups have a different meaning. They present an opportunity to usually meet people, in person. DevCongress actively resumed meetups last year, and they have been excellent! So far, we have had four of them! The most recent one in April,here’s a recap.

On Saturday 15th July, we’ll be having the second one this year, also at iSpace. For that day’s activities, we will have two talks, and have a discussion, something new to the format, for those who have been at the meetups before.

The first talk will be by Chaimaka Nwolisa, who will cover “Fetch, a Better AJAX.” Whichever your stack is, you have probably come across AJAX during development. fetch() allows you to make network requests similar to XMLHttpRequest (XHR). Anyway, I’ll leave Chiamaka to tell us more on that Saturday.

The second talk will be “Why You Need Tests” by Edem Kumodzi. Test-driven development has been advocated severally, but developers would usually find a way out, to build apps, without testing, which always leads to several errors, bugs later. Edem’s talk will guide us through.

This will lead us to our discussion, about tests. While we’re excited to try out TDD at the meetup, we would also love to hear folks’ experiences on TDD, lessons learned, and best practices.

If you have been at any of the meetups, you’ll know it’ll be a great time to catch up with all the discussions we have on the Slack channel. If this will be your first time, come meet many developers who share the same passion as you, and have experiences and learnings you can tap into.

It starts at 2pm, and you can register via the link on egoTickets.

Here’s a little about DevCongress.

DevCongress is probably the most active developers community in Ghana. You can join our Slack community where we talk about everything and anything. We also have specific channels for other important activities such as product testing and feedback.

Come learn and share. See you on 15th July. Want a more personal interaction with our guests and over 500 developers, join the DevCongress Slack group via

Special Thanks to iSpace Foundation for allowing us to host the event at their co-working space. If you are looking for a space to work at in Accra, please go and check them out.

Originally published at gharage.




DONE: MPower Payments API Hackathon · Saturday, 05.10.2013