Towards the final DEVELOP release — Project Meeting in Rotterdam

2 min readMay 31, 2019


Originally posted: Wednesday, 29th May, 2019 by Uta Schwertel, IMC AG, Germany, on

The DEVELOP team met on 22 May 2019 for its final General Assembly meeting kindly hosted by the project partner GITP BV in Rotterdam. Goal of the meeting was to discuss the current trials of the DEVELOP system, detail the exploitation plans and prepare the final project months.

DEVELOP partners meet in Rotterdam

The project partners created the DEVELOP system which is in its core a digital coach to help employees identify, assess and develop their soft-skills. DEVELOP’s goal is to offer employees career guidance so that they can actively develop their career. This is particularly important in today’s labour market where adaptability of employees is key as you have less job security and a longer career.

DEVELOP User Trials and Evaluations

Currently, the DEVELOP system is trialled at the two partner sites IBM Ireland Ltd. and INTRASOFT Intl. S.A.. Around 70 employees of the two companies (mostly employees, but also a few mangers and HR representatives) use the system for 8–10 weeks. Trial users are asked to report on their experiences in pre- and post-evaluation questionnaires. Additionally, usage data will be collected. The results will feed into the final evaluation report. More details about the trials is available in a separate Blog post.

DEVELOP Exploitation

In the consortium meeting the partners also discussed the final dissemination and exploitation activities. The consortium is very keen to bring the advanced system to the market. Various product variants with a varying set of functionalities are under discussions and details are currently worked out. These system variants include the full DEVELOP system tailored to a company with its individual competency taxonomies, job roles and learning intervention. We also consider to offer a general pre-populated DEVELOP system with a generic soft-skill competency taxonomy and a few generic learning interventions that customers can extend according to their individual offerings. Since soft-skill assessments form a principal and innovative part of the DEVELOP system, we also plan to offer a DEVELOP Assessment Suite only where (parts of) the assessments, in particular the leadership game and the cooperation game, are made accessible to customers together with the possibility to review resulting competency profiles. In addition to that the DEVELOP Social Learning Tool is also available as an integrated or as a stand-alone tool for interested customers. Consultancy services can extend the various product variants.

In a Webinar scheduled for end of June we will present the DEVELOP system, its application scenarios and product variants to interested adopters. If you are interested to get more information about the Webinar details or about the DEVELOP system in general you can contact us or subscribe to our newsletter.

