Typescript extends keyword explained

Emmanuel Onyebueke
2 min readApr 20, 2023


Typescript extends keyword is very powerful and helpful, it avoids unnecessary type properties duplication and also helps with type specificity. Here are the 2 prominent cases of using the extends keyword.


In some cases, we have an interface that is just an extension of another interface with additional properties, the extends keyword makes the child interface inherit properties from the parent interface. For example

interface Animal {
name: string,
weight: number,
interface Honeybadger {
name: string,
weight: number,
skin: string,
color: string,
we can avoid duplication on the HoneyBadger by using the
typescript extends keyword
interface Honeybadger extends Animal {
skin: string,
color: string,
Honeybadger inherits name and weight attributes from Animal, but also has
the skin and color property as well

Generics Constraints

Some types we create can be reusable with other types, to avoid duplicating types for each use case, we can use a generic type. Generics are used to create reusable types, as parameters are to functions, so are generics to types.

For example, we can create a generic type function that receives a parameter of T and reuse that type within different contexts.

type Log<T> = (content: T) => void
// Log T = string
const consoleString: Log<string> = (content) => console.log(content)
// Log T = {error: string}
const consoleError: Log<{error: string}> = (content) => console.error(content)

However, we sometimes want to limit or constrain the generic type that can be used or passed, and the extends shines in this regard. For example

type Log<T extends {name: string}> = (content: T) => void
/** ❌ throws error 
Type 'string' does not satisfy the constraint '{ name: string; }'
const consoleString: Log<string> = (content) => console.log(content)
type User = {
name: string
type Animal = {
name: string;
age: number;
// ✅ passes
const consoleName: Log<User | Animal> = (content) => console.log(content.name)

In the code snippets above, type Log accepts a generic type T , but there is a condition on T, the condition using the extends keyword which states that T must have at least property name of type string , so T cannot be of type string or any other type that doesn’t have the property specified.

One key thing to notice is that the constraint on the type doesn’t have to be exact, the type Animal for example, still passes even though it has age as an additional property.

