Mohamed Nabil
2 min readMar 24, 2019

What concepts I have learned from CS50: Harvard Computer Science class - first lecture!

  • First of all, There is a main thing in computer science called INFORMATION (consists of numbers, letters, words, images, videos) and these are what humans (computer users) see and understand on screens.

Here is come a question:

How can computers display these information I mentioned on Screen and more than that From Where it comes to display when we turn these computers on?

Before answering how computers display these info ? lets know first where computers store these info?

Here is come a Programmer role:

Programmers somehow (we will know later) puts these informations inside computers memory but not stored as it is (numbers, text, images, etc...) instead inside memory all these informations converted and stored as a series of zeros and ones (we call that binary) in reality these are not zeros and ones but a series of switches that switch on (we call that one) and off (we call that zero).

Okay now we knew that there is something important called Information and also now knew that when we (programmers) input/inputs them how they are stored inside memory!

Here is came a word input or inputs and we already knew what are they mean (informations that programmers put inside computers and stored as binary zeros and ones) and that is what the left side of that picture is talking about and we already talked enough.

Okay now let’s move to the second part of the question, How now we can do operations on these stored informations for example displaying them on screens or do other operations on them?

ISA will complete that article another time. See you 🙂🙏