Photo by Hıdır Dedebey

Reflections on Heaven

Deven Bhagwandin
2 min readJun 13, 2023


I still don’t know if I believe in God or heaven and hell. But there are times that I imagine what heaven must be like or could be like.

I like to think that it’s divided into several different types of heaven, a little like the Chinese believe there are thousands of hells.

For instance, this morning, I thought it would be cool if there is a heaven for musicians. In my head, it’s just endless nightclubs. You can walk from one to the next, and everyone you go step into has one time’s most famous or talented musicians playing. Like, it’s just a rotating lineup of the greats.

The cool thing is, it’s not just American or Western musicians; it’s artists from all over and throughout time. I guess they would just play in a nightclub or venue that is themed for their music or style, or culture.

But how cool would it be if they collaborated every so often? Cooler still, they could collab with anyone throughout time. So like, Mozart with Jeff Buckley. Or Jeff Buckley with Nusrah Fateh Ali Khan. Or Michael Jackson with Prince, finally.

I don’t know why but that thought really brings me happiness. I wonder what kind of heaven I’ll find myself in. To this day, I wouldn’t say I have a set talent or skill, but I’m good at many things. Perhaps my hidden talent is yet to be discovered.

I think my talent is getting excited about something, starting it, and never following through. According to that show, The Good Place, I would actually go to hell. Like Chidi went to hell because he could never make a decision, and that inability to decide caused hurt and heartache for those around him.

I wonder how my lack of follow-through has hurt those I love.



Deven Bhagwandin

Freelance writer since 2013. Sharing, learning, and writing.