What Makes Dr. Vijayant Best Heart Surgeon in Lucknow

Dr. Vijayant Devenraj
4 min readApr 29, 2024

Culture and technology are in blend in Lucknow, where the city is vibrant and colorful. Being a Metro city has its pros and cons where one hand the city has good infrastructure and opportunities on the other hand the life is hard for people who are working relentlessly keeping their health at bay. The Lifestyle and Eating habits has made the Health of people worse. This has increased many health issues especially the heart issues and conditions. With Rising heart concerns there arises the need for good cardiologists, one name is heard with great respect among cardiac surgeon in Lucknow is Dr. Vijayant Devenraj, who is highly regarded by his colleagues as the master of abilities, empathy, and innovation in heart surgery.

A Legacy of Healing:

The path Dr. Vijayant Devenraj has taken to achieve the title of the best heart surgeon in Lucknow is a story of persistent determination and unwavering pursuit of superiority. Throughout the course of his over 16 Years long career In which he has performed over 5000 heart surgeries, being associated with over 3,000 major cardiovascular procedures. This includes

Arterial coronary bypass graft surgery

Aortic / Mitral /Tricuspid valve repair & replacements,

(MICAS) Beating heart surgery

Aortic root surgery

Aneurysm surgery

Heart transplantation and other complex cardiac procedures.

Dr Vijayant Devenraj is proactive in dealing with patients suffering from heart diseases. In his supervision, the department of cardiology is equipped with the latest diagnostic and surgical facilities. Dr. Vijayant has very skilfully not only improved upon the technical aspects of surgery but has also gained extensive knowledge and experience in cardiac medicine which has resulted in the trust and respect of patients and his peers alike.

Exceptional Expertise:

Dr. Devenraj’s knowledge includes a wide range of cardiac services, including simple angioplasties, complex heart surgeries for valve replacement and congenital defect corrections. He has been honoured M.B.B.S. and M.ch. degree from KGMU. Over 16 years in field of Cardio Surgery in some of the best institutions (Cardiothoracic & Vascular surgery) He is Director of Cardiology department at Max hospital, More than 6 years experience as Faculty in Dept. of CTVS, KGMU, Lucknow. Ex- Senior Consultant — Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery at Apollomedics Hospitals, Lucknow, His skills are perfected by his diligent attitude and the thoroughness of each operation, as he takes great care to perform every procedure with maximal accuracy.

Innovative Techniques:

Ever-changing environment of cardiac surgery calls for innovations as the cornerstone for improved clinical results. When it comes to the new surgical methods, Dr. Vijayant Devenraj is always the one to bring them to the forefront. These include minimally invasive procedures and robotic-assisted surgeries. These advancements, which not only increase the surgical precision level but also make the post-operative phase less problematic, mean that the patients sometimes can return to their routine activities within a short period with no or little disruption.

Patient-Centric Care:

What truly sets Dr. Vijayant Devenraj apart is his unwavering commitment to patient-centric care. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, Dr. Singh ensures that each patient receives personalized attention and compassionate support. He believes in fostering a trusting and transparent relationship with his patients, empowering them to actively participate in their treatment journey.

Advanced Facilities:

Dr. Singh’s practice is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced imaging technologies, hybrid operating rooms, and dedicated cardiac intensive care units. This integration of cutting-edge technology into patient care not only enhances diagnostic accuracy but also enables Dr. Singh to deliver tailored treatment plans that cater to each patient’s unique needs.

Holistic Wellness Approach:

Recognizing that cardiac health extends beyond surgical intervention, Dr. Vijayant Devenraj advocates for a holistic approach to wellness. He emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, and stress management, in preventing cardiovascular disease. By addressing the root causes of heart ailments and promoting overall well-being, Dr. Vijayant Devenraj empowers his patients to take control of their health and lead fulfilling lives.

Community Engagement and Education:

Dr. Vijayant Devenraj is deeply invested in community engagement and education initiatives aimed at raising awareness about cardiovascular health. Through seminars, workshops, and public outreach programs, he endeavors to educate individuals about the importance of heart health and preventive measures they can take to mitigate their risk of heart disease. By empowering the community with knowledge and resources, Dr. Vijayant Devenraj seeks to make a meaningful impact on the collective well-being of society.

In conclusion, Dr. Vijayant devenraj is commited to serve the patients with his excellent skill and knowledge with compassionate patient care, firmly establish him as the best heart surgeon in Lucknow. His pioneering spirit, innovative approach, and dedication to advance in the field of heart surgery in lucknow have earned him the respect and admiration of patients, colleagues, and the community at large. In a city where every heartbeat matters, Dr. Vijayant stands as a centre of hope, healing, and excellence in cardiac care.



Dr. Vijayant Devenraj

Dr Vijayant Devenraj is director – Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery at Sahara Hospitals, Ex- Senior Consultant Cardiology at Apollomedics