Phillip De-Vere
6 min readJan 19, 2023

OSIFU 10 Reasons for the destruction of planets

Today is March 10, 2013, Sunday, the twenty-ninth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

Outside the window are thousands of lights. The night sky is still cloudy: neither the moon nor a single star can be seen.

There is a myriad of twinkling lights outside the window.

Osifu has liked to watch the night sky since childhood. Osifu does not count the stars; he likes to talk to them. Osifu has always believed that the stars can speak.

Osifu has always concurred with a saying: "one star in the sky, one person on the earth".

Osifu has always agreed with a saying: "everything has a soul".

Osifu believes in Yin-Yang balance.

The dialogue between the stars and Osifu began as early as his childhood, an important phase of Osifu’s life.

The purport of conversations with stars were very abundant, rich, deep and elevated. A great deal of Osifu’s knowledge was acquired from conversations with stars.

Osifu is very fond of listening to vibrations from outer space. Each layer of heaven differs in energy, information and codes.

Osifu often says that Osifu is an interstellar traveller. Yes, an interstellar traveller. Osifu likes travelling in the vast expanses of the universe.

The universe is beautiful. The galaxy is beautiful. The starry sky is beautiful.

The earth too is beautiful when seen from outer space, and its beauty is fascinating.

A great many cosmic beings love the earth. And inevitably, apart from loving the earth, some cosmic beings also want to control and occupy the earth. Among these cosmic beings, some just think about it while others not only think it about it, but act on it as well.

They have invaded the earth and have tried to control and occupy it step by step. This process has been lasting for thousands of years from the beginning until now.

One point needs to be stated here. You may consider what Osifu has just said as science fiction. Don’t believe it credulously before verifying it.

Osifu isn’t a religionist. Osifu has never said that he is a Buddha or a God or something like that. Osifu is a cosmic traveller and tells you what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what will happen in the future, which you can hear as narrative.

You also can have a dialogue with the stars as long as your mind is calmed and you look up into the night sky. When the stars are twinkling, the conversation between your spirit and the stars will start.

According to the many years of Osifu’s experience, stars never say dirty words, never speak vulgarity, never make adult jokes, never talk about false, ugly or evil things, never talk about politics or never speak ill of anyone.

What has impressed Osifu about stars is that some are like old men, some are like kids, and some are like youths. Their styles of discourse differ from each other, but their language are full of truth, kindness and beauty.

Some of the stars only have one spirit, some of them have many spirits and some have countless spirits.

Some of the spirits are the stars’ own spirits. Some of the spirits are the ones that live in the star, while some of the spirits are the ones that pass by the star and sojourn on the star temporarily.

Yet you are precisely a spirit that comes from a particular star!

Yes, don’t look at others. It is just you that Osifu is referring to.

The very purpose of these words is to tell you this truth and to make you understand it.

When you arrived here, you did not come by UFO; you had no papers, no bank cards, no family, no dwelling . . . . you had nothing with you. What you had was only a beam of spiritual light or an energy-information-code cluster, which you should come to understand.

Surely, enlightened persons know that they will take nothing with them when leaving the earth such as cars, houses, status, bank notes, wives, children, etc. . . . .

We were energy-information-code clusters when we came to the earth, and we will still be energy-information-code clusters when leaving the earth. So, did any changes occur between your arrival and departure?

Yes, they did. Our energy, information and codes have been changed. The changed energy, information and codes will determine our enduing journey.

The end of one life will give rise to a change in our energy, information and codes.

Stealing as little as one penny will give rise to change in our energy, information and codes.

Sexual thoughts and conduct will give rise to change in our energy, information and codes.

Gossip and harsh speech will give rise to change in our energy, information and codes.

False and loose talk will give rise to change in our energy, information and codes.

Greed and anger will give rise to change in our energy, information and codes.

Dull-wittedness and ignorance will give rise to the change of our energy, information and codes.

In short, a word, an action, a particular gesture or behaviour or any thought in the mind will give rise to the change of our energy, information and codes.

These changes contain not only alterations of positive energy, positive information and positive codes but changes of negative energy, negative information and negative codes as well.

Osifu has seen countless bright planets, and also numerous dark ones.

Osifu has seen countless planets full of love, and also numerous ones full of hatred.

Osifu has seen countless intelligent planets, and also numerous ignorant ones.

Osifu has seen countless developed planets, and also numerous backward ones.

Osifu has seen countless pure planets, and also numerous defiled ones.

Osifu has seen too many planets which have been destroyed.

There are lots of reasons for the destruction of planets, and Osifu can list several of them for you.

1 Energy depletion.

2 Nuclear explosion.

3 Decay of orbit.

4 Natural change.

5 Destruction by external forces.

6 The violation of cosmic laws.

7 Being adjusted, recombined, purified and sublimated according to cosmic processes.

8 Blind exploration and excavation by beings of low intelligence living there and digging their own graves.

9 Extreme imbalances in Yin and Yang.

10 Being engulfed by some kind of super energy-information-code cluster.

The above ten reasons are the most common ones for destruction of planets that Osifu has seen.

Of course, the reason for the destruction of many planets is not singlefold but a combination of a variety of reasons.

Well, with that said, someone might feel that Osifu’s discourse has proceeded in a jumpy way and is incoherent from beginning to end.

A moment ago, we were talking about our life body, anissue of energy, information and codes; how come we are talking about planets now?

It comed back to that sentence again: “one star in the sky, one person on earth.”

There are ten kinds of reasons about destruction of stars in the sky, and the same applies to the destruction of the energy-information-code clusters of our lives. “The soul flies away and scatters” - not a false saying.

“The spirit is immortal” is right in some sense, but spiritual energy, information and codes can be transformed. At this moment you are a person and an energy-information-code cluster. If your energy, information and codes at your arrival time were divided into ten thousand mosquitoes’ energy-information-code clusters, one would be split into ten thousand shares. There would not be any change in the total amount of your energy, but your life form would be changed into ten thousand mosquitoes. Ten thousand mosquitoes and one person: do you think they are the same? How difficult it would be to converge the ten thousand separated energy-information-code clusters into one cluster again!

Comply with cosmic laws to study, to work, to lead your life, to cultivate your mind, to practise and to discipline. Your energy-information-code clusters will then be purified, sublimated and raised up step by step.

Otherwise, we will be degenerated, detached, disintegrated and trapped in darkness and terror.

Oh, I talked too much today!

Returning to the saying that each of our cosmic beings must conform to the laws of the universe, no matter which life form we are in, no matter which planet we are on,

it's still back to that same sentence: each of cosmic being must conform to cosmic laws, regardless of which kind of life form we are in and which planet we inhabit.

The Master was about to drink tea, and the tea is now getting cold.

Blessings on everyone, always, at every moment!