The Future of Web Development

Embracing Interoperable Runtimes

Gustavo Vasquez
2 min readJun 15, 2024

The frontiers of web development are rapidly expanding, driven by the emergence of new execution environments for JavaScript. From Node.js to Deno or Bun, from Cloudflare Workers to AWS Lambda, developers have more options than ever for where and how to run their code. However, amidst this diversity, a crucial question arises: how do we prepare for a future where multiple environments coexist, without a clear better option in sight?

Chart with data about Javascript Runtimes usage
State of JS 2023 —

The Rise of New Environments

In recent years, we’ve seen an explosion of new runtimes and platforms offering different advantages and functionalities. Node.js remains a cornerstone for server-side development, while Deno and Bun emerge with a focus on security, performance, and native TypeScript support. Simultaneously, edge computing platforms like Cloudflare Workers and AWS Lambda are redefining what’s possible with distributed applications. Each of these environments brings something unique to the web development landscape, but this diversity also means developers must be prepared to work in multiple contexts.

Node, Bun and Deno Brand

The Importance of Interoperability

In response to these multiple environments, Web Interoperable Runtimes emerge as the key to navigating this uncertain future. By ensuring that code can execute consistently across different environments, they reduce fragmentation and simplify development. This standardized approach fosters collaboration among teams and enables easier integration of new technologies, paving the way for modular and flexible applications.


In a universe where change is the only constant, interoperability isn’t just an advantage — it’s a necessity. Embracing Web Interoperable Runtimes today is the best way to prepare for a diverse and dynamic future in web development.


