I will try to break a World Record in Memory in 30 Days.

Divyendra Singh Jadoun
4 min readMay 15, 2022


My 30 Days Challenge

So today is 15th May 2022, and for my 30 Days Challenge, I have picked up a task where I will be pushing my limits to the extreme.

So I decided I will break a world record in memory so as to create a one.

Which RECORD I am going to Break?

World Record

I will be going to Memorize 10,000 digits of Euler Number in less than 30 Days.

The world record for memorizing Euler’s number is 7777 digits.

What is an Euler Number.? or E

  • An irrational number denoted by e, Euler’s number is 2.71828…, where the digits go on forever in a series that never ends or repeats (similar to pi).

How can I be so sure that I will break the world record?

I simply don’t know that, I will try it who knows may be in the process I actually get a world record.

I will be documenting my journey here on a daily basis to check my performance and results.

Click below for Intro Video.


Day 1 :

So today I memorized 500 digits of Euler’s Number in the morning.

You must be thinking BUT HOW,

So in order to memorize digits I am using Two Methods

  1. Major System : developed in 1648 by Johann Winklemann

( A Memory System to convert numbers into phonetic sounds and those sounds can be turned into words, which can in turn become images for a Memory Palace. In short, it is a system to convert Numbers into Images) .

Our minds think in pictures so anything that we need to remember should be converted into an image because it is very difficult for our brain to remember abstract information and numbers are abstract.

That is the reason why you remember movie which you have seen years back but forget what was the last chapter you read yesterday.

0 — s,z

1 — t,d

2 — n

3 — m

4 — r

5 — l

6 — j

7 — k

8 — f,v

9 — p,b

So, 47 — r + k = Rock

58 — L + V = LOVE.

2. Memory Palace or Method of Loci

( It is Ancient Greek Memory Method)

The idea is to create a SPACE in mind’s eye, a place that you know well and can visualise and then Populate that imagined place with images representing whatever you want to remember.

The thing to understand is We Humans are really very good at Learning Spatial Information.

I will post a video once I complete memorizing at least 5000 digits. Which I think will take me around 5–6 days.

Date : 18 May 2022

Day 4

I spent around 2–4 hours per day memorizing Euler’s Number.

My First Milestone will be Breaking Second Highest Record { 3141 Digits} which was created in 2018 by Sanchit Sharma.

I will post the video of Reciting Numbers once I complete at least more than 3141 digits. Lets see when does that happen.

Video link for my practice and Learning Session.

Date : 24 May 2022 ( Day 9 )

So today I recited 5200 Digits of Euler’s number

Broke the Second Highest World Record for memorizing Euler’s Number which was 3141 digits

Here is the full UNEDITED RAW VIDEO.

I am really very excited and my next step is to Break World Record where I will memorize 10,000 Digits of Euler’s Number and

then apply for Guinness World Records.


15th June, 2022 ( Day 27)


As of today I completed 8000 digits, which is 23 digits more than the current world record.

I will upload the Recitation video this week.

I have applied for Guinness World Records. The take 12 weeks after application submission.

Click below for application process of Guinness Book of World Records


I will update about the further process in attempting this record for Guinness World.

So completed our Challenge of Breaking World Record in Memory in 30 Days and I am feeling great.

What I have learned:

When you Learn how to Learn, Learning becomes Fun.”

First Step in achieving anything is: the Self Belief that YOU can achieve it.

Henry Ford said: “If you think you can or think you can’t, Either time you are right.”

I will post what I have learned in another post as the words limit is complete.

