I Have Forgotten Loneliness, and You Can Too

I can, and you can, too, as long as you are willing to leave the old you behind.

Devi Cadaeg
4 min readAug 21, 2023
happy girl, jump shot with good background
Photo by Caique Nascimento on Unsplash

You might be wondering, ‘Is that even possible?’ Of course, it is!

But how?

First of all, what is it that makes you lonely?

Is that a person, someone around you?

Did something happen in the past?

Or do you not even know why you feel lonely in the first place?

Let me tell you something about how I did it, and I hope it will help you too.

Examine yourself and your emotions.

Why do you feel lonely? When does it occur? Is there someone or something that triggers it?

Why do you feel lonely? — Back then, there was a time in my life when I felt the happiest. Well, ‘I thought so.’ Then there were betrayals, unreciprocated care or love, maybe. There were also failures I’ve encountered along the way, and I don’t want to count them.

I felt lonely because compared to the things I was giving, I was gaining nothing like I was nothing. It felt like that, and that’s when loneliness kept visiting me sometimes.

Then it got worse, and I felt that I was not enough. Nothing I did for me, or them was good enough. I’ve also lost confidence in myself and the smile I often carry.

I’ve forgotten my goals during that time.

When does it occur? — Loneliness crept me up mostly when I was alone and when I thought about what I was doing, which for them is like nothing. Another situation was when I longed for them, and they didn’t feel urgent to get back to me.

I was sharing my problems, but it was like nothing to them. You need a shoulder to lean on when you are at your lowest. But what if that person you thought would be there for you was gone? It sucked.

Is there someone or something that triggers it? — Yes, and after realizing it, I decided to do something for myself.

Let go

You know what, I never thought I would search online ‘how to let go?’. But I was desperate. I already realized my mental health was being affected by others, and it was myself that should control me.

As you get older, you will be more conscious of yourself. You will know how your mood and emotions work. And you will want to have a healthy mentality.

So, what should you do after learning the things and people that make you lonely? LET GO OF THEM.

Toxicity needs to be removed within ourselves.

I know it was a hard step. I’ve been trying to do it for years, but it was worth it!

I’ve let go of the toxins and found new people that support me, things that I love, and it is what I am doing now. I enjoy little things about myself and improving myself in things I’m good at.

Now I don’t rely on opinions from others I thought cared about me because they’re not. But I listen to people who want the best for me.

I also hope you can find those people. If not yet, there will be in the future.

Always look for that positivity.

Optimism? Yes.

I’ve gone and let go of my pessimism days.

Everything I do, every failure I encounter today, every negative happening in my life, and every people around me, I always try to look at their good side.

When I do things now, I only think of the good things they will bring me.

When a plan and a goal fail, I will try another path. There are always plans b, c, d, and so on.

When negative happenings surround me, I will think about how to turn it around. Everything doesn’t go how we want it, but you can still enjoy something now.

An example of this is what happened to me recently. I went and rode my brother’s motorcycle. Little did I know it was running out of gas. So, as expected, I had to walk home for 2km.

Along the way, I saw and met with people I barely saw and talked to. I enjoyed the beauty of the pinkish sky and setting sun while walking and had a good exercise😄

I always see now the bright side whenever some expected, and unexpected things happen. I enjoy them and learn more about what I should pay attention to at times.

So people are imperfect, and even if they try to do good things sometimes, it doesn’t seem right to others. I always try to understand their perspective and purpose in doing what they think is good.

Sometimes, it’s just that they can’t see their actions, but I don’t consider them bad. They have their good points. They just don’t know that some of their actions aren’t agreeable to others.

But since I am surrounded and closer to the people I chose now, there are more good sides to them, barely of bad sides.

Because I chose now who I want to be with, and I hope you will also, to promote your mental health.

Do not feel like you lose something if you must let go of that baggage; remember, they are heavy.



Devi Cadaeg

Self-proclaimed writer, marketing enthusiast, and language learner. Life gets hard, but it's not forever, be happy all the time. This is me writewithpanda.com