I Was a Sad Office Worker With Good Pay, Now, I’m Happy But Broke

When you get to realize what satisfies you the most in life.

Devi Cadaeg
4 min readJul 1, 2023
Woman happily feeling the sun’s shines through her body.
Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash

At some point in life, they say you will know what you really want at the right time.

So was it like finding your soulmate? Maybe.

A few years back, my former supervisor reached out to me asking if I already had a job. It was during the pandemic back then. Our company let go of our department during that crisis.

After almost a month, I received a chat from him. He wanted to know if I was willing to work for him in their start-up business. I said sure, I needed money anyway.

Then, it all started there.

The realization of thirst for knowledge

At first, it was indeed exciting.

Remember when you got your first favorite toy as a child? It‘s like that back then.

Day by day, learning new things. I also tried to experiment a little with what we were doing and was able to help for a bit. It was all new and fresh to know all the stuff.

But after months of doing things repeatedly and not making new discoveries about anything. That’s when it hits me!

Being stationary at work was easy and very comfortable, but it was scary.

The only excitement I had back then was learning Japanese. I’ve also tried pencil sketches and playing mobile games with my male co-workers.

I might as well add having to buy my favorite cheesecake and americano from known coffee shops around the city.

But without much input getting into my brain to challenge it, made my everyday life bland. Even if I am with my colleagues and friends, and doing things that I like, it’s different.

Something is missing.

I realized.

I want to know more related to my interests at that time. I’ve been doing research, and learning how can I apply them to get experience.

Like putting up my own online business, pursuing realistic sketches, and continuing to learn foreign languages.

A god and a girl in the grasses.
Photo by Devi Cadaeg

The simple life in the province is still the best

After over a year at my last office job, I quit.

My reason for my boss?

I want to go home, I haven’t gone home since the start and end of the pandemic lockdown.

But of course, that is not entirely true only a part of it.

I just want to pursue the things I like and have a simple life away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The simple life in the province is still the best, this is a fact!

You can get healthy foods in your backyard or from your neighbor’s backyard too.

Having reunited with the family is joyful at first but you know it very well. After a few months with my lazy younger siblings and nagging father, well…

But still, we are happy at home.

The city is good it‘s’ just that, at home, life is so much simpler and happier.

I get to have my dog, cats, and rabbits, they are so mood-relieving.

While staying at our place, I got to talk to relatives, family friends, and neighbors.

I can see that my mental health is now positively stronger. Feeling contented in life.

I learned to appreciate everyone’s effort and become more optimistic about the future.

Happier every day.

I am broke, and I am happy

That’s right! I am on my journey to pursue side hustles!

Continue improving my writing, and take care of my pets.

Oh, and mountain hiking if there’s a chance, and not miss my drawing and foreign language learning.

These things make me feel the happiness I always questioned back then.

What is happiness? Are you happy?— questions I could not answer before but I can now.



Devi Cadaeg

Self-proclaimed writer, marketing enthusiast, and language learner. Life gets hard, but it's not forever, be happy all the time. This is me writewithpanda.com