5 Essential tips for emoji marketing

Devid Hardin
4 min readOct 16, 2018

A few years back corporate companies used to consider emoji informal and used to avoid it. Nowadays emojis have become a trend, in future emojis in your marketing strategies will be essential. Nowadays emoji marketing has become a great way to tell a story of the business. In 2015, Oxford dictionary named Emoji its “2015 word of the year.” Looking for tips for emoji marketing? Continue reading.

According to one research, 92% of internet users use emojis. With effective emojis, your message in social media can stand out among competitors. Now, many businesses are leveraging emojis to communicate their brand messages to customers. Emojis are becoming the new language for smartphone users. Gradually, emoji marketing is becoming the new and essential trend. The first question you might have is — What is emoji marketing? Let us tell you the brief:

What is emoji marketing?

Emoji marketing is a practice of creating marketing campaigns which involve the use of emoji. Emoji marketing includes social media posts with emojis, emojis used in graphics, and emoji domains.

We have put together a list of tips which can help you into the world of emoji marketing:

1. Understand what emojis represent

meaning of emoijs

If you don’t know the right meaning of emojis — don’t use them. You will be surprised to know 60 million emojis are sent on Facebook. Once you know the real meaning of emojis — it will help you send targeted emojis that will engage and convert your audience to loyal customers.

Britain declared that emojis are the fastest growing language of all time. Every day more and more emojis are being introduced in the marketplace. Some emojis have a double meaning and give an inappropriate message to readers. Make sure you use the right emojis in your message.

2. Avoid creating confusing messages

dont let emoji confuse your message

Emojis are used to add fun and playful element to your message. They are not the replacement of the whole message. What is the point of creating a message if readers can’t understand your message.

Using a couple of emojis in your message or email is fine. Going overboard can be awkward. No one likes to read messages full of emojis. The wrong type of emojis can create confusion.

3. Use emojis to add a personal element to marketing

You can give a personal touch to your brand marketing with emojis. Don’t just copy any brand. Personalization marketing strategy becomes possible with emojis. Consider these questions:

  • How often should you use emojis?
  • How does your target audience interact online?
  • Which emojis are relevant to your brand?
  • Will emojis improve the message you are trying to convey?
  • Do you understand the meaning of all emojis you plan to use?

4. Don’t overdo it

overuse of emoji

Overusing emojis will not be beneficial for businesses. Too many emojis on your social media campaign will feel forced or confusing. Don’t do it for the sake of trend. It is not necessary to add emojis in your every sentence of the message.

Limited and effective use of emojis will be beneficial. No need to use all the emojis you know of. Ultimately, emojis should match the brand voice your company is aiming for.

5. Ensure it fits your brand

find brand emoji

Don’t just use any emoji. Find relevant emojis for your brand. Choose 3 to 5 emojis appropriate to your brand. Use it consistently in your all posts. Consumers will start to associate your brand with that particular emojis.

Domino’s pizza started their new campaign. Where you have to send emoji or pizza and you will receive pizza order message. McDonald’s ran an ad campaign based on how people associate emojis with their brand.

mcd emoji

The use of emoji is increasing day by day. Looks like this trend is not going anywhere in the near future. If you have never included emojis in your social media campaigns or messages — it may seem unusual. Emoji marketing is a great way to help your brand connect with customers.

