“He is not a team player let alone a team leader”

Martin McCallion
1 min readJul 18, 2016


As I vacillate on the Labour leadership business, and try to decide what’s best for party and country, I keep coming upon things that increase my feeling that Corbyn might not be the right one for the job.

Specifically today, two posts by MPs suggesting he is poor at communicating and building bridges with people.

First, Lilian Greenwood of Nottingham on how he undermined her on transport policy _and_ the referendum.

And then Bristol MP Thangam Debbonaire’s [Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/thangam.debbonaire/posts/10157204442320083) about the chaos around her being appointed to, and/or sacked from, a shadow-cabinet post.

And yet there’s also [this article](http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/07/18/the-next-scheme-to-knock-corbyn-stories-about-the-shadow-cabinet-resignations/) claiming that those two posts are part of a “scheme to knock Corbyn.”

What’s a person meant to believe?

Originally published at A Labourer at the Bitface.

