Three Rules You Must Know If You Want To See 100.

Devin A Bisanz
5 min readSep 24, 2018


You can start over at any time. You can change your habits, and you can succeed starting now. Here are three rules that will crack the barrier of age.

  1. The future is unknown.
  2. The past cannot be changed, the future can.
  3. Positive affirmations are the way out of any negative situation.

Rule Number One.

Although number three is my favorite, it’s the number one rule that matters most. The future is in fact, unknown. I’ve already lost friends to brain aneurysms cancer, car accidents, a plane crash, and fire. According to the number one search result in Google September 23, 2018, announces a 30% chance that you will make it your 90th birthday. To put that into perspective, 14 people out of a pool of 1000 people you know, will live to see 100.7 years old.

Still feeling confident that you are the chosen one?

My great-aunt was a centurion. She drove a car until well after her 100th birthday. My grandma was going for it too, and she made it to 98. A lot of people in my family live into his or her 90s. That’s old but every old person tells me, the older you get, the faster time moves. That’s why you have to embrace the moment, set those goals, and take action.

Rule Number Two.

The past cannot be changed, the future can.

There was a famous study done in the 2000s on senior citizens and aging. The study was elaborate, testers built a neighborhood like in the 1950s. Every detail from the morning milk and paper deliveries, to the cars in the driveways, appliances, TV shows, and even the utensils were from that era. Then testers went to old folks homes, and stole a bunch of senior citizens to put into the 1950s neighborhood.

The result.

Senior citizens started acting younger. Seniors reported less pain, better attitudes, and one senior got out of his walker.

How is that possible?

Well, the neighborhood reminded seniors of being back in his or her prime. My question is, how did those people get old to begin with?

My best guess: we are trained by generations of ancestors who died young. In 17th century England, the average life expectancy was a whopping 35 years old. That means I would be dead. But remember, the past cannot be changed, the future can.

I can change the belief that age kills us all, into infinite possibility. Perhaps there will be a day Walt Disney comes out of freezing, and walks the earth again.

I had a conversation with a lady who told me that scientist created a serum that when given to rats, it ages them. And then another serum that when given to the older rats, makes them younger. Imagine seeing the fountain of youth in your lifetime. Not that extending your life is a fabulous idea as it will allow the procrastinators to procrastinate. Plus, you’ll have to listen to peoples excuses for hundreds of years, and what about energy vampires? You don’t want those people to be around forever but I guess it’s like I said. That future can be changed, and persons negative attitude can change with it.

Rule Number Three:

Positive affirmations are the way out of a negative situation. In the movie, Jerry Maguire, we see a famous scene where a defeated agent (Jerry Maguire) is on the phone with his only client, Rod. Rod is threatening to leave Jerry too, so Jerry asks, “What can I do for you Rod? (pause) What can I do for you?”

Rod says, “It’s very personal Jerry, a very important thing. Hell, it’s a family motto. Are you ready for it Jerry?”

“I’m ready.”

Then the music cranks up and Rod says, “Show me the money!” Then the music cranks up louder and Rod starts bouncing around his kitchen shouting, “Show me the money!”

Rod then makes Jerry yell it back into the phone.

The point I am making is Jerry went from feeling defeated, to feeling on top of the world as soon as he started shouting, “show me the money!”

Jerry knew that he was lying to himself, but like Rod said, “LIE to me Jerry!”

Show me the money!

Positive affirmations change the way we think about any situation. Next time you have a self- deprecating thought I want you to recognize it, and then say the exact opposite of that thought out loud. For example, if you think, I am so old. Thank the fat thought for presenting itself, and then say the exact opposite. I am so young at heart.

Now you can’t tell me that it doesn’t make you smile to say the latter because I know it feels good to feel good, and sometime to feel good you have to lie to me Jerry!

I live my life through affirmations, and people everywhere compliment my great attitude.


To sum up this post.

It’s never too late to start over. You are never too old to start practicing positive affirmations. You can do it right now, with me. I always speak calmly and clearly. I love and respect myself. I am relaxed when speaking publicly. I choose to be happy.

How good does that feel?

I believe that in my lifetime the chance of making it to 100 will increase to 50%. That’s a jump, and with all those seniors in the world we are going to be thankful for autonomous cars, which were out of the realm of our consciousness three decades ago.

We are evolving as a species.

In today’s age we can put a positive outcome on any negative situation and mae 100, the new 20.

Have a great and wonderful day.

