Abalone Shell Healing Properties And Benefits : Know All About Before You Regret.

Devina Cruz
3 min readAug 13, 2020


Know All About Abalone Shell Healing Properties And Benefits Before You Regret.

Abalone shell stone is also known as the Mother-of-pearl. There are many names like Haliotis Iris, Paua Shells, Aulon, oyster shell, and Nacre from which people from different cultures see this gemstone. It possesses the ocean’s colors, which include purple, yellow, green, and blue on its shell.

Abalone gemstones have a flat one-sided structure, which almost makes them look like an ear. Many people call it the seas ear because of its shape.

Abalone is a variety of mollusks or snails. It has feet, tentacles, and shells made from calcium carbonate, which makes the covering tough to prevent it from shattering.

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Abalone Mollusks feed on seaweed. These seaweeds are responsible for giving these shells different colors. So, basically, the seaweed diet of abalone mollusks is the reason for its richness. They are also able to repair their own damages on their shell.

Where Do Abalone Shells Come From?

One of the most valuable and beautiful varieties of abalone shell stones are found in South Africa. There are many other places where abalone shells come from like Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and North America. There are more than 100 varieties of abalone shell stones found in the world.

The most valuable abalone shell has Vibrant, iridescent colors that make it more unique and beautiful compared to all the other semi-precious gems. Abalone shells can be formed in size from 3 inches to 7 inches.

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Abalone Shell Healing Properties And Benefits

Like their ancestors, people of the modern age are fascinated by abalone shell healing properties and their benefits. It is strongly believed to have the energies of protection from evil. It also gives the wearer emotional balance.

Abalone shell benefits a person to connect to its highest levels of chakras and manifests her desires. It mainly affects the crown chakra, third eye chakra, and heart chakra. It works as a protective shield for all the negative energies prevailing in living spaces like homes, offices, or any other place.

You need to hold it really tight to actually feel its energy while dealing with insecurities and threats. The abalone shell gemstone helps a person in solving their relationship issues and expanding their consciousness.

This works as a catalyst if kept in direct contact with your body while meditating. It is believed to calm and balance your frequencies. You can also increase its energies by using it with others like crystal quartz.

This gorgeous gemstone is best for enhancing the feeling of love and compassion within the wearer. Lovers wear this gemstone to improve their bond of commitments, promises, relationships.

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An abalone shell’s energies benefit a person to find its true self, clearing the doubts, removing fear, removing worries, and other toxic emotions.

It boosts the functions of the wearer’s mind, body, immune system, digestion, and nervous system. Abalone shell healing properties are believed to be great healers in treating skin disease and small breaks in the skeletal structure.

Along with all this, Abalone Shell Jewelry benefits women in the condition of fluid retention, pregnancy, childbirth, other and fertility issues. It is also believed to enhance the beauty of women who wear it regularly. Obviously, any woman will look gorgeous with this brilliant gemstone around her neck or wrist. Abalone shell stones promote peace, happiness, and serenity by removing the negative emotions like sadness and anger.

So this is all about abalone shell healing properties and benefits that you should know before it’s too late. Also, for your convenience, I didn’t leave the question ‘where do abalone shells come from?’ unanswered.

I hope this article will help you with your next big abalone shell jewelry purchase.

