How to Setup a Forever Free Ad Blocking WireGuard VPN Server with PiHole in the Cloud for Free

9 min readAug 28, 2020

These days there’s ads and trackers and malicious JS everywhere. It is almost what makes the internet tick at this point it would seem. Luckily for us we are not alone in the fight against intrusive ads and other unwanted data passing over our network. There are some incredibly smart people working very hard on our behalf to at least curb the worst of these offenders by way of various ad blocking technologies.

These tools have varying methods for blocking and in kind varying levels of efficiency and effectiveness. One of the most overlooked and most effective means of ad blocking is via a method knows as DNS filtering.

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What Is DNS Filtering?

Ads and similar unwanted content can be blocked simply to using a DNS server configured to block access to as advertising domains or other hosts which are known to serve ads by spoofing or otherwise masking the address.

