Day 13: Enjoy the Process

Devin Rasche
3 min readMar 14, 2024


About a month ago, I posted online to facebook and Twitter (𝕏) this post,

“Imagine this:

You’re doing your thang, shopping for clothes…

You see a shirt you can’t live without;

What’s it say? Or what’s it got on it?”

It got two replies, both of which I laughed at and really liked.

Little did these two individuals know I’d be taking a crack at making that shirt design.

But here is the one I selected to work on first

“I’m A Slut For Pickles”

I’m still laughing.

I enjoyed making this so much.

Today I unveiled the surprise and I think I could tell he liked it as much as I do, saying,

“omfg I LOVE it!”

And as you can tell by the last comment there, I did in fact not use one piece of AI technology in the making of this art.

And I’m proud to say it!

(Not that I shame artists who use it, but figured it’s a thing we should announce when showing off our art these days; be transparent, was AI used or not? Ya know?

This month I’ll be doing the runner up (the second of the two comments 😝)

Which had to do with cautioning the reader because the wearer is allergic to idiots and may go into fits of rage.

(Thanks dad, lol)

Warnings are always nice.

Next month?

That’s up to you 💜

That’s right! I’m gonna let you answer that same question and one of the replies might just get picked to be nexts months community picked design!

Pickle Slut tees and stickers, though,


When I started my Etsy shop back up, I thought I’d try something different to get engagement.

And I really like the way this all played out.

So I’m going to continue doing it.

Today I woke up early enough to make some time for myself, and that’s how I got my art finished.

I’m so happy today you guys, feeling proud of myself. Really enjoying the process.

So, tomorrow is the last day of my 14 day writing challenge.

How’s it been for you?

Have you learned anything?

Do you feel closer to me and what I’m building? Want to be a part of it yet? 😁

I personally can’t wait to keep writing.

Even if no one reads my stuff, I enjoy the act of writing. Getting my thoughts out. Sharing my perspective.

I still hope you continue to read and give me feedback, though.

We’re honestly just getting started!

Okay, until tomorrow, keep those minds OPEN!

And stay hydrated.



