Drinking your Calories

Devin Russell
5 min readMar 14, 2023

The worst way to consume your daily caloric intake

Liquids are dangerous when it comes to losing weight. Consuming 200–300 calories is quick, painless and basically goes unnoticed. When people are counting their calories in an attempt to lose weight, that can be a huge problem. Those calories go unnoticed. People don’t calculate their beverage intake into their overall calories for the day, and they aren’t acknowledging that they are drinking as many calories, or more, than they are eating.

Take a look at all of the food in your fridge and cabinets and just take a thorough look at the calories. That bottle soda is a whopping 340 calories, which can be an additional meal for someone eating healthy. On top of that, did you even notice that the servings were one and a half or two instead of one whole bottle. People gaze at the numbers, make minor adjustments, probably not even enough, and don’t even realize that the drink was 510 calories or more.

Making a compromise

“I just won’t give up having… a, b or c.”

We all know people who won’t give up having certain foods or drinks. I’m no exception to having this dilemma. Coffee is a staple in…



Devin Russell

Full-time writer, fitness/nutrition trainer and game enthusiast. I write articles daily, so follow to enjoy!