Apache Hudi: Revolutionizing Big Data Management for Real-Time Analytics

Dev Jain
5 min readJul 27, 2023



In the era of Big Data, managing and processing huge amounts of information in real-time is critical for organizations seeking to gain a competitive edge. Apache Hudi (Hadoop Upserts Deletes and Incrementals), an open-source project, has emerged as a game-changer in this domain. In this article, we will explore the power and uniqueness of Apache Hudi and how it is transforming the landscape of Big Data management and real-time analytics.

Apache HUDI
Apache HUDI

Apache Hudi

Apache Hudi is a distributed data management framework designed to simplify the way large datasets are ingested, processed, and served in real-time, unlike traditional slow batch processing. It combines the functionalities of a database and a data warehouse. It is developed under the Apache Software Foundation, Hudi leverages the power of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, providing a versatile solution for managing data lakes efficiently with low latency.

Key Features of Apache Hudi

  • Upserts and Incremental Processing:
    One of the most distinguishing features of Apache Hudi is its ability to perform record-level updates (upserts) and incremental processing. Traditional batch processing systems rewrite entire datasets during updates, making them inefficient for large-scale applications. Hudi’s unique approach ensures that only the modified records are updated, significantly reducing processing time and resource consumption.
  • ACID Compliance:
    When it comes to critical applications, data integrity, and consistency are non-negotiable. Hudi ensures ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance for data operations. This guarantees data integrity and consistency, making it a reliable choice for applications’ secure data processing where data accuracy is of utmost importance.
    To achieve atomic writes, Hudi employs a timeline-based approach, marking commits with instant times to indicate the occurrence of actions. Significantly, Hudi differentiates between writer processes, table services, and readers, ensuring snapshot isolation to maintain consistency in operations among these three types.
  • Write Optimizations:
    Apache Hudi optimizes the write operations using techniques like write-ahead logs and copy-on-write mechanisms. This results in efficient storage utilization and reduced data duplication, improving overall system performance.
  • Query Flexibility:
    With Hudi, users can seamlessly run interactive queries on the data lake in real time. Whether it’s batch-style queries or low-latency queries, Hudi caters to both, making it an ideal choice for various analytical workloads.
  • Schema Evolution:
    Data lakes often face schema evolution challenges as data formats evolve over time. Apache Hudi handles these changes gracefully, supporting schema evolution and backward compatibility without disrupting the existing data pipelines.

* Partition columns cannot be evolved
* We cannot add, delete, or perform operations on nested columns of the Array type.

column type change
Source to target conversion based on data type
  • Change Data Capture (CDC):
    Hudi excels at capturing real-time data changes, making it suitable for scenarios where timely information is crucial. Applications like fraud detection benefit from Hudi’s ability to ingest and process data updates efficiently.
  • Data Quality Management:
    With ACID compliance and robust schema evolution support, Hudi helps maintain data quality and consistency across diverse data sources, contributing to reliable and accurate analysis.
  • Near Real-Time Analytics:
    By leveraging incremental processing, Hudi enables near real-time analytics with low latency. This is particularly valuable for organizations that require fast data insights for quick decision-making.
  • Cloud-Native Support:
    Apache Hudi is cloud-native, designed to work seamlessly in cloud environments. It leverages cloud-based storage systems and integrates well with other cloud services, facilitating a smooth transition to the cloud for data lakes.
  • Open-Source and Community-Driven:
    Being an open-source project under the Apache Software Foundation, Hudi benefits from a thriving community of developers, ensuring continuous improvement, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.
  • Explore Historical Data with Time Travel Capabilities:
    In the realm of data management, Apache Hudi’s unique time travel capabilities open doors to a whole new dimension. Imagine being able to query historical data and roll back to previous table versions effortlessly. With Hudi, time travel becomes a reality, allowing you to explore and analyze data from different points in time with remarkable ease.
  • Debugging Made Easy:
    Data evolution can be complex, but Apache Hudi simplifies the debugging process. By enabling data versioning, Hudi empowers you to traverse data changes over time. Unravel the mysteries of your dataset by diving into various versions and understanding the nuances of each transformation. Debugging data versions has never been more accessible or insightful.
  • Tracking Changes:
    Audit Data Modifications Through Commit History. Ensuring data integrity is paramount, and Apache Hudi has you covered with its commit history feature. Gain full visibility into data changes and track every modification made to the dataset. This audit trail offers a comprehensive view of the commit history, instilling confidence in your data management processes.

Time travel with Apache Hudi is more than just a feature; it’s a paradigm shift in data exploration. Unleash the true potential of your data by querying historical records, debugging data versions, and auditing changes through commit history. Apache Hudi sets the stage for a data journey like never before, bringing unmatched depth and clarity to your data management endeavors.

Use Cases for Apache Hudi

  • Real-time Analytics:
    Apache Hudi is a perfect fit for organizations that require real-time insights from their Big Data. Whether it’s monitoring user behavior on an e-commerce platform or analyzing financial market data, Hudi’s ability to ingest, process, and serve data in real time enables businesses to make data-driven decisions faster.
  • Change Data Capture (CDC):
    Hudi can be used effectively for change data capture scenarios, where capturing data changes in real time is critical. This capability is particularly valuable for applications like real-time fraud detection, where timely information is vital.
  • Data Warehousing:
    For enterprises looking to build scalable and efficient data warehousing solutions, Apache Hudi serves as a robust foundation. Its support for ACID transactions and incremental processing ensures that data warehouses remain up to date with the latest information.
  • Data Quality Management:
    Apache Hudi’s ACID compliance and schema evolution features make it an excellent choice for maintaining data quality and integrity across various data sources.



Dev Jain

Hey there! I'm Dev Jain, a passionate and driven Data Scientist with a deep love for transforming raw data into valuable insights.