Building Instagram web page from scratch ?!

Vismay Devjee
1 min readMay 26, 2020


The assignment which left me sleepless at night due to the intricacy.

For my final project I chose to recreate the homepage of Instagram from scratch. It took me nearly 40 hours to complete the web page. Here’s a glimpse of the final look.

Designing this page gave me a deeper understanding of all topics I had studied during the course. It also helped me broaden my horizon as I had to find innovative ideas to overcome the challenges I faced.

This course gave a very simple explanation of how crucial role HTML & CSS plays in designing the front-end of any web page. I would definitely recommend you to give this a try.

Instagram : vismay.devjee

LinkedIn : Vismay Devjee



Vismay Devjee

Student at Northeastern University, Boston - Master of Science in Information Systems