what happens if we eat guava fruits with worms

Devki Yadav
2 min readJul 16, 2018


Guava is a fruit produced on the tree and it smells sweet with an edible creamy flesh in yellow or pink color. guava is the fruit mainly found in tropical areas but it can also be found in Mediterranean climates as its adaptability allow them to survive in frost. Once guava appears to be ripe its musky odour attracts fruit flies and types of worms are also found in ripe guava. The worms are also known as maggots and many times these worms lay their eggs beneath guavas outer layer and cause damage to the fruit and make it rotten due to worms and fly infestations many types of disease may spread but correct treatment can get the problem or disease under control.

Guava fruit is badly damaged by the maggots and 80 other insect species. According to a research mostly the files and the maggots hatch in the soil and attacks the guava tree roots. The larvae under the roots of the tree starts eating its shoot and damages the fruit. the worms present under the guava fruit invisibly infiltrate the fruit and slowly starts sucking the pulpy ripe flesh of the guava which causes the surface of the fruit rusting in the beginning when the fruits are half grown.

As it is said “there is a solution to every problem” and “no problem comes without a solution” this phrase fits perfectly in this matter few steps can be taken to protect the guava trees from the attack of pests, insects and worms you just need to know them, most important thing is you have to make use of pesticides to protect the fruit on the guava tree from worms and flies.

  • You need to pick the fruits before its full maturity and for this harvesting is required at least 2 times in a week.
  • The fruits which are affected or damaged by the worms or insects they must be plucked and destroyed so that it could not harm leftover fruits on the tree.
  • Fruits should be monitored regularly. If there is any tiny punctures or holes in the fruit it means the fruit is damaged by the worms you can cut the fruit and look for the larvae.

You need to apply a pesticide to infected trees. Pesticides should be mixed as shown on the container and then you need to reapply it on trees every week till the infestation is under control.

Source : Newspatrolling.com



Devki Yadav

MBA by Education, Marketeer By Profession, Writer By Heart, Blogger by choice