Green roads CBD oil and their case study 2022

4 min readJun 22, 2022


What Does Green Road CBD Stands For?

Green roads CBDOil

Arby Barroso and Laura Fuentes, a licensed compounding pharmacist, founded Green Roads CBD in 2013.

Today, the company works with other full-time pharmacists to create and manufacture its distinctive formulations. All of Green Roads’ products, the company claims, are put through several testing processes to ensure their safety. Products made with Green Roads CBD Oil are available at more than 10,000 retail locations and on the company website.

All items also come with subscription options. Customers who become members receive free shipping on every order as well as a 20% discount on goods

Some True case studies of people’s experience While using Green Roads CBD oil.

A discovery that changed my life

Photo by free stockson Unsplash

Who Am I?

I am a woman in my 50s who’s never smoked or done any drugs. I was one of many that perceived marijuana as harmful and did not condone its use. The same goes for CBD Oil, which I thought was just as bad. It wasn’t until a recent experience that I changed my mind. And, if I can help someone else feel better while healing, then it’s worth it.

My Story

In 2017, I underwent partial knee replacement surgery. The surgery was a success. For the pain, the doctor gave me a prescription for painkillers (opioids). I began taking the painkiller every 3–4 hours as instructed and they worked. But, when the doctor said he would not allow me to drive until I went off the prescribed medication, I knew I had to endure the pain somehow.

That night, I decided I would not take the painkiller, but I could not sleep because of the pain. I considered taking it when I realized this is how addiction begins! I was not about to go towards that route, so I opted for a couple of acetaminophens. Those did not work, but I continued it for a few days. I switched to ibuprofen and had no luck there either.

My husband and son sympathized with me but I know it worried them. Therefore, seeing me in constant pain and with little to no relief, my son purchased Green Roads CBD Oil and explained the benefits to me. In fact, it bothered me he would think I was going to take such a thing.

“Are you crazy? I am NOT taking that!” I responded.

My son insisted the oil would help me without the highs or lows, or whatever happens when consuming drugs. I told him I’d think about it. With no remedy in sight other than returning to the addictive painkiller and needing to get back to work, I reluctantly tried it. Before trying it, I did my research on it.

Here’s What I Found Out

According to what I read, CBD Oil does NOT contain the ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is what causes the “high” effect. CBD Oil helps to reduce pain and inflammation. I read article after article, with most of them talking about the positive results and little to no side effects. After researching and reading, I tried it. Still, with skepticism, I took less than the dose recommended before I went to sleep.

Undeniable Difference

It was the first night, after stopping the painkiller, in which I did not wake up every three hours to take another dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. The next day I was fine until around 10 a.m. — about 12 hours after taking the CBD Oil. I took another dose of CBD Oil. The second night I increased the dose to the recommended. Thereafter, I only took one dose before going to sleep. I went from taking painkillers every three hours to taking one dose of CBD oil a day!

It was funny to hear the doctor ask me if I needed another prescription for painkillers at my follow-up appointment. When I responded I did not, he asked, “Are you sure?” It surprised him to hear that I rarely took the painkiller, but I never told him why. I was no longer in pain after about a month of my surgery. Therefore, I stopped taking the CBD Oil.

Source Link of this case study:


Green Roads: Pros and Cons


Before making a purchase, people would wish to consider the benefits and drawbacks of Green Roads.


Green Roads offers a variety of goods in a range of intensities.

To save money on purchases, customers can choose to subscribe to the business.

Inquiries can be made via phone or email to the company.


It is not sold in general stores.

This product shouldn’t be used by kids.

Not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or nursing.

For More details on Green Roads CBD oil Visit These URL

