Devops Week News — Issue #148

Devops Week News
3 min readAug 13, 2019


This week we bring to you Reactive Systems Architecture.

In the article section you can read the Honeycomb reduce technical debt, AWS Bill, and terraform, Canoonical log lines, A deep dive into Linux namespaces, Golang error handling, How to reduce lambda functions costs, and HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart.

Tools that we love section we have Kubernetes External Secrets allows you to use external secret management systems (e.g., AWS Secrets Manager) to securely add secrets in Kubernetes.

What about sharing an article/video to be published in the next issue? Send it to us! @devopsweeknews.

Video of the week

Jan Machacek and Matthew Squire give us the answer to the click-baity headline “Four things that make the biggest impact in distributed systems”, together with architectural and code examples to help avoid repeating their mistakes.

Articles & News

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Treading in Haunted Graveyards —

This post will explain, why you need CI/CD for “infrastructure as code”, why you really should be paying a vendor to do certain things, and how to reduce your compute bill by 3x.


Fast and flexible observability with canonical log
Canonical log lines are a lightweight, flexible, and technology-agnostic technique for observability that are powerful and easy to implement.

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A deep dive into Linux namespaces, part 3 — Chord

In the last part of the deep dive into linux will show how to run processes in isolated mount and pid namespaces.

Better Error Handling, in Go | bet365 Tech Blog

The bet365 team shown their way to do error handling in go.


How We Reduced Lambda Functions Costs by Thousands of

Mohamed Labouardy explains how they reduced the Lambda Functions costs.

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Announcing the HashiCorp Vault Helm

HashiCorp released an official Helm Chart for Vault, now you can start a Vault cluster running on Kubernetes in just minutes.

Tools that we love!


kubernetes-external-secrets/ at master · godaddy/kubernetes-external-secrets ·

💂 Kubernetes External Secrets allows you to use external secret management systems (e.g., AWS Secrets Manager) to securely add secrets in Kubernetes.

Let’s have fun!

We wish you a great week!

