DevOps — An Intro

Devsena Mishra
Jan 23, 2023


A lot has been said about the idea of DevOps, another popular trend of Silicon Valley’s tech culture, which is here for over a decade or so. Some call it a movement, some call it a mindset, and some say that DevOps is a prescription of culture.

We can say that DevOps is essentially an environment, based on agile and lean principles, where business owners, the development, operations, and QA teams, collaborate to deliver software, in a continuous manner.

DevOps is of course a short form for Development and Operations, but a sustainable and successful business is more than these two teams, so it’s not a good idea to limit our perspective to these two while talking about the idea of DevOps.

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Devsena Mishra

I promote advanced technologies, startup ecosystem and Indian government’s business and technology related initiatives.