Best JavaScript Front-end Frameworks to Use in 2024

Devstree Australia
4 min readDec 26, 2023



JavaScript, born in 1995, has transformed into a dominant force, claiming a remarkable 65.36% vote share and establishing itself as the leading language in programming, scripting, and markup, as reported by the Stack Overflow Developer Survey. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology, developers are keen to explore the finest JavaScript frameworks. This article explores the top 10 JavaScript frameworks of 2024, providing insights into their advantages, drawbacks, use cases, and comprehensive information.

Front-end JavaScript Frameworks

1. Vue.js
Vue.js, developed in 2016, is a versatile front-end framework known for its progressive nature and capability to design high-end single-page web applications through dual integration mode. Following the MVVM architecture pattern, Vue.js offers two-way data binding, built-in components for animations, and a simple API.


Quick and easy configuration with MVVM architecture.

Beginner-friendly with a small learning curve.

Lightweight framework with a small build size.

Seamless integration with third-party apps.


Limited high-end plugins.

Not ideal for extensive scaling.

Compatibility issues with older versions of iOS and Safari.

Challenges with two-way binding due to excessive flexibility.

2. React

Developed by Facebook, React is an open-source front-end framework for creating rich user interfaces. Utilizing a virtual DOM, React introduces a component-based architecture and declarative UI, though it can be challenging for new developers.


Abundance of reusable components.

Easy integration with front-end and back-end.

Unidirectional data flow with flux controls.



Primarily focused on the UI layer.

Complex state management.

Difficulty keeping up with constant upgrades.

JSX may be a barrier for new developers.

3. Angular

Angular, a TypeScript-based framework, emerged in 2016 as a rewrite of AngularJS. It enables scalable web app development with features like two-way data binding, PWA support, and a component-based architecture.


Customizable and reusable components.

High-class server performance.

Extensive third-party integrations.

Large community support.


Steep learning curve.

SEO inefficiencies.

Complex migration between versions.

Debugging challenges.

4. Svelte JS

Svelte JS, an open-source web component-based framework, distinguishes itself by building boilerplate code directly in HTML, CSS, and JS. Launched in 2016, Svelte is praised for its concise code, lightweight files, and high-speed rendering.


Component-based model pattern.

Small-sized builds for high-speed rendering.

Supports both client and server-side rendering.


Limited IDE support.

Lacks backing from tech giants.

Absence of third-party components.

Scaling challenges.

5. Preact JS

Preact JS is a lightweight, swift, and performant JavaScript library, serving as an alternative to React. With a 3KB build size, it covers core functionalities of a JavaScript framework and boasts compatibility with React ecosystems.


Extremely lightweight and fast.

High-end compatibility with React.

Powerful command-line interface.


Smaller community compared to React.

Supports only stateless components.

Lacks support for propTypes.

Potential Typescript conflicts.

6. Backbone.js

Backbone.js, a popular and easy-to-learn library, is used to create single-page web applications. It simplifies programming complexity by directing server-side functions through APIs, offering a structured and organized source code.


Enables creation of single-page applications.

Requires less coding.

Easy to learn and use.


Improper model definition.

Suboptimal user experience for large data structures.

Limited support for RESTful APIs.

7. Ember.js

Ember.js, following the MVVM architecture pattern, is employed for developing scalable enterprise-level applications. Its command-line interface tool enhances productivity, and the framework is known for its backward compatibility.


Reusable and maintainable web applications.

Automatic route and control determination.

Two-way data binding.


Challenging for new developers.

Decreasing popularity.

Not suitable for small-scale projects.

8. Polymer

Polymer, developed by Google, supports the creation of elegant websites and web applications. With a focus on custom HTML elements, Polymer allows the use of external components and integrates Google Material Design.


Creation of customized HTML elements.

Development of reusable widgets.

Support for both one-way and two-way data binding.


Designing components for each browser.

Slow performance on mobile devices.

Issues related to library dependencies.

Back-end JavaScript Frameworks


The dynamic landscape of JavaScript frameworks continues to shape the programming domain. As developers navigate the vast options in 2023, each framework, with its unique features, addresses specific needs and challenges. For Devstree, staying informed about these frameworks is crucial for crafting innovative solutions. The journey through front-end frameworks like Vue.js, React, Angular, and Svelte, and back-end counterparts such as Node.js, Next JS, and Meteor, reflects the evolving demands of the industry. By leveraging the strengths and understanding the limitations, Devstree can optimize its development strategies and contribute to the ever-evolving world of JavaScript.



Devstree Australia

Devstree Australia is a leading software development company