Rewarding Users and Bloggers with Publish0x — Overview

5 min readMar 4, 2019


So in attempt to make passive income, improve writing a bit, and blog more, I stumbled across a new blogging platform called Publish0x. You can find the website here:


Publish0x is a blogging platform where writers and readers get paid. This new innovation to blogging happens through the use of their tipping system. What also makes this platform is that they are Crypto Agnostic. It means they are neutral, they don’t require you to own crypto, and they don’t have a native cryptocurrency. You can read more about them at them with their blog post here:

Currently the only coin on Publish0x is Bounty0x. They have partnered with Bounty0x, a platform that allows people to post “bounties” for users to complete in exchange for Cryptocurrency. Since they are Crypto Agnostic, they plan to add more ERC-20 tokens for more rewards. You can read more about this in their blog post:

Tipping in Publish0x

When reading an article, at the very bottom, their is a slider that allows you to tip a percentage of the tips between you and yourself. The slider looks like this:

You are able to slide it to determine how much of the tip you want to give to yourself and to the author. The maximum amount you can tip for yourself or for the author is 80%. The lowest amount you can tip for yourself or the author is 20%.

The amount decided seems to be based on a 24 hour period. The first blog you tip seems to be the biggest and slowly decreases over a period of time. To prevent people from abusing the tipping feature to get unlimited Bounty0x, you have a set period before you can tip again. At the time of this writing, you have to wait 1–24 hours before you can tip the same author, and 8 minutes before you can tip a different author. They also have a captcha in place before tipping so bots can’t tip. Their also is a certain amount of blogs you can tip before you can’t tip again for 24 hours.

After tipping, you should receive a confirmation that looks like this:

This is show to everyone in real-time when you tip someone. At the time of this writing, their is no log kept of the transaction on the platform. You can see your balance by clicking your username in the top-right corner and clicking dashboard.

This is an example of my dashboard. You can see the stats of your earning in USD and how much you made each month. To withdraw this amount you need a certain amount of Bounty0x saved up in the platform. At the time of this writing, the minimum amount is 157.5850. The USD amount is about .56 cents. This was calculated with the current amount of one Bounty0x being $0.003595 at the time of this writing.

The only main concern I have with tipping freely like this, is the fact that I wonder where all this Bounty0x is coming from? But, since this platform is new and they are still working out logistics, that is not too big of a concern for now.


To sign up to be a blogger was easy for my experience since I already had a blog. To sign up to blog you first need a account. After creating an account, you have the option to sign up to be a blogger. This is a Beta program. They only allow a certain amount of bloggers to post blog posts. They ask for a link for a blog that you might have somewhere and submit a request to post. I just submitted my blog link and got a response in just an hour. I don’t know the process if you don’t have a blog already set up.

After getting into the Beta Program, you can now see two new buttons on your dashboard that look like this:

To start posting, you first need to create a blog. To create a blog, click the “Your Blogs button” and then click the “Create a new blog”. You should get something that looks like this:

In put the information as requested. If you mess up, you can go back and delete it later. The result should look like this after you are done:

Now go back to your dashboard and click “Your Posts” and you can start creating a new post. Click “Write a new Post” to get started. The blogging editor looks like this:

It’s not that fancy compared to other blog editors, but it will get the job done.

After clicking, “Create New Post”, you are able to preview what your blog post will look like, publish it or delete it. It looks like this:


Other features on their platform seem self-explanatory. The search feature on the platform could use some work. It’s hard to find things in the search bar. Other than those features, I am really looking forward to how they develop this platform. You can read more about their platform roadmap here:

If you are interested in signing up, use my link

Resources used to make this article:

Originally published at on March 5, 2019.

