Hair Transplant in Bangalore — Solution for your Baldness

Dewangi Digicore
5 min readJun 4, 2019


Permanent hair loss deserves a permanent solution. Here’s when hair transplant surgery comes in the picture with mind-blowing and long-lasting result.

According to Clinicspots, a reputed medical facilitator, many people across India prefer Bangalore for their hair transplant treatment.

Hair loss commonly occurs in more than 60% of men and approximately 10% of women. It’s more common in men than in women.

There are various reasons for hair fall like genetic, unhealthy diet, weather changes, pollution, etc. And if you consider a particular region like Bangalore, where the pollution level is so high due to the traffic situation, people tend to suffer from hair fall.

According to a recent survey, it has been observed that a large number of customers of hair transplant are in the age group of 25 to 30 years when they are in the phase of getting married.

You might be wondering what the solution to this?

Well, to overcome this situation, you can find world-class clinics which are known to provide the best hair transplant in Bangalore. In fact, Bangalore is the best place to get hair transplant treatment done in all over India.

Hair transplant is a procedure in which the hair transplant surgeon takes hair from the donor area to implant it in the recipient area (bald area).

Types of Hair Transplant

There are many types of hair transplant procedures one can opt for like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Robotics, etc.

But from all the above techniques, the three mainly used techniques are explained in short, below:

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUT is a hair restoration technique, also known as the strip procedure, which is mainly carried out when you are suffering from permanent hair loss. Initially, the hair transplant surgeon will examine you, if you are eligible for hair transplant or not. Later, the doctor will finalize the donor area. The backside of your head is considered as the donor area.

Then a strip of a hair is taken from the backside of the head, which later gets divided in grafts consisting of two or more follicles and finally, the hair follicles are implanted very carefully in the bald area.

You may think that it is painful, but it is not as you will be given local anaesthesia during the procedure.

Once the procedure is completed, within 1 month the transplanted hair will fall off and the natural growth of hair will start from the scalp in the recipient area.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

On the other hand, FUE is a process where the hair follicles are extracted with the help of a tool, for instance, a pneumatic tool.

Unlike FUT, this process is also done manually and it consumes time but gives the best results. At first, the donor area is trimmed then with the help of the pneumatic tool, the hair follicles are extracted.

Very carefully, small incisions are made in the bald area and then the hair follicles are implanted in the holes which are made by the tool.

Local anaesthesia will be given to you so that you don’t feel any pain.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP is a technique in which your blood is taken and is put into a centrifuge machine which separates the poor plasma, red blood cells and the rich plasma. Later the doctor extracts the rich plasma from this concentration and injects into the scalp to promote hair growth.

DO’s and DONT’s after a hair transplant

Even though the doctor has carefully performed the procedure, it is necessary that you also take care of your hair after hair transplant.

DO’s after a hair transplant:

· Keep the scalp dry, especially, during the first week after the surgery to allow the skin to heal.

· Keep the area around the scalp clean throughout recovery.

· Take the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

DONT’s after a hair transplant:

· You should ensure that you don’t come in direct contact with the sunlight immediately or even after a few days of the procedure. You can still wear a hat to protect your scalp from sunlight.

· Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes for a month after hair transplant should be avoided as it can interrupt the blood flow to your hair follicles.

· Don’t engage in activities which would cause excessive sweating as it can increase the risk of infection.

Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore

Till now you have received almost all the information regarding what is hair transplant, what are the procedures, the do’s and don’ts after a hair transplant and now it is time that we brief you about the major factor involved in hair transplant, i.e., the cost of hair transplant.

There are many clinics in Bangalore which provide hair transplant treatment at an affordable cost (Rs.25 to Rs.50 per graft and average hair transplant starts @ Rs.25, 000) which makes it easy for you to undergo surgery.

There are many factors which influence hair transplant cost:

1. Type of procedure you choose

2. The level of baldness

3. Experience of the hair transplant surgeon

4. Clinic (Small clinic or high-end)

It is very difficult to find a specialist and affordable hair surgeon. You need to do a little research to find the best surgeon. But don’t worry. We have made your work easy here. We have a complete list of the best hair transplant surgeons in Bangalore.

