PXN — Building alongside us

5 min readMay 17, 2022


PXN: Alpha Terminal — Connect Screen

We’re building out in the open — what does that mean?

We have already released our Alpha platform to nanofam and are now opening this up to our Ghosts. Shortly after that, we will be releasing the Beta version of our application. As many of you are aware, most other NFT projects only begin work post mint using the money they raise. We’ve done it the other way and put our money behind our beliefs pre-mint in order to bring you a preview of our vision and take you along for the journey from the get-go. This is centric to our DNA and the way we do things at PXN.

This has been neither a small nor cheap feat for a fully self-funded startup. It’s important to remember we’re not a massive company, and we’ve bootstrapped our way to a working piece of software to demonstrate our commitment to you and put our flag in the ground.

Our members are our collaborators

We want you to be part of this journey — members can contribute by letting us know how you want to use our software, and what changes we might make to better our product. Web3 is a truly unique environment, and is a response to a lot of problems we experienced in web2. We are building a brighter future together.

As the community forms and problems are found, we’ll find ways to use our software to solve them — be part of the solution alongside us.

Some things you should know about Beta Software:

  • It will break, and we’ll learn how to scale better
  • You’ll find bugs, and we’ll patch them — let us know the problems.
  • Unique web3 opportunities are bound to appear, and we’ll build features to support them too. We are always progressing our product.
  • Your contribution is important — the things you do in the web3 world helps drive the software we build.

Web2 is not Accommodating of Web3

During the primordial stage of web3, we’ve hacked together tools and products that serve our needs, yet these are just basic and temporary fixes. Nothing major has been built from the ground up until now.

Established web2 companies have billions to invest, yet they are not looking to support our community beyond small ventures in the hope that when the bag is big, they can swoop in and take all the value.

This goes against what web3 is about. Web3 is a space without the middleman. It aims to bring value to early investors and ensures that safety is provided from people acting maliciously. Web2 appears to have little interest in these same values.


Ethereum trivialized the transfer of currency and NFTs trivialized centralized ownership.

But what good is ownership if it is not represented in all digital spaces? Furthermore, if it is represented, what does that mean for the actions you take as a person with a reputation in the digital space?

From the PXN App

It’s our responsibility to transform your investment into valuable features that grow the web3 space. One of the starting points is having a single identity across the software you use that is bound to the assets you own, and using this identity to represent yourself whether you’re in a chat, trading items, or trying to hire for your personal ventures.


We’ve created a framework for how we see the web3 space unfolding. An important part of this is ensuring we keep our ears to the ground so that we understand the types of people who are using our tools and understand the pain points that plague these users. This understanding will ultimately allow us to build stability into this ever-changing landscape as the populus grows. Our willingness to keep expanding and developing, will be the benchmark of success and growth as we move into mass market adoption.

Feedback and Review

We’ll be taking feedback on functionality and features using the terminal server and assessing all encountered problems in order to design solutions which address them. By bringing our users into our space early, we are able to work with the community to create meaningful and impactful change.

Software delivery practices

Up until now we have been working as a small delivery team, but post-mint we are now able to put together teams in the agile structure that was popularized by Spotify and is recognised as the gold standard structure that software delivery teams around the world use. This structure ensures that we identify problems quickly and efficiently and can address them as the market changes.

Reaction speed was important in web2 but is critical in web3.
This structure will involve -

  • Squads of highly effective specialists that work together
  • They’ll be highly autonomous
  • Organised around objectives, not deliverables


Adopting agile will help ensure we are not spending too much on things we don’t need, but instead will help us maximize our budget to deliver the best product we can to our users.

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan

Lean Agile Principes

  1. Eliminate waste
  2. Amplify learning
  3. Decide as late as possible
  4. Deliver as fast as possible
  5. Empower the team
  6. Build integrity in
  7. Optimise the whole

This is just a little bit about how we’ll be operating our teams — our goal is to be open and transparent with how we develop software together with you the users; a team of builders 10,000 strong.

