The Opportunities of the DEXGame Metaverse: DEXPO

3 min readApr 23, 2022


DEXGame brings dozens of innovations to the Metaverse game ecosystem. While some of them are for the first time in the world, these innovations will strongly feed the ecosystem. In our previous Medium article, we introduced DEXPARK, the DEXGame Metaverse component. In this article, we will introduce DEXPO, another component of DEXGame Metaverse.


DEXGame aims to host all the components in the game world on the lands in DEXPO

As you know DEXPARK is the zone built and managed by the DEXGame team. It includes the Game Arena, the Gamer-Team Token Exchange, the IDO Platform and the NFT Gallery. So what is DEXPO and what does it contain?

DEXPO can be built and managed by users; DEXGame is the name given to all regions in the Metaverse except DEXPARK. DEXGame aims to host all the components in the game world on the lands in DEXPO. DEXGame, which has implemented DEXPARK in order to realize this goal, offers a technological infrastructure and an advanced user base for the users, brands and organizations that will take part in DEXPO. In this context, it is possible to find Investment Institutions, Game Studios, Game Houses, Game Equipment and Computer Hardware Stores in the DEXPO region.

For example, brands operating in the field of technologies and services for the gaming industry, companies and organizations selling gaming equipment & hardware will have the opportunity to sell directly to everyone who visits DEXPO, especially gamers and game developers, in their stores located in DEXPO. The sale made in these virtual stores will take place with the DXGM token. Thus, thanks to DEXPARK, gamers in the metaverse will have the opportunity to spend their earnings by shopping in these stores. Physical products sold from the said virtual stores will be delivered via postal cargo, etc. to buyers in countries where legal regulations and regulations allow shopping with cryptoassets.

Another example is that DEXPO will act as a bridge between the decentralized finance approach and the game developer and investor. DEXPO will be a region that will make a significant contribution to the rapid entry of games produced on open source game development platforms and those who want to independently publish their own games. Thus, game developers will be able to publish games in the Game Arena with the infrastructure offered by DEXGame and quickly generate income from the game they produce. The opportunities offered by the DEXPO region to game developers are not limited to these! They will be able to take an important step towards branding by opening a virtual game studio belonging to them / their team in the Game Studios Valley, located in the virtual world created by DEXGame. Similarly, gamers will be able to take an important step towards becoming a professional e-sports team by creating a game house of their own/team.

DEXPARK will work in such a way that not only the games but also the team members such as graphic designers, music producers, content providers and story writers who contribute to the development of the games can generate income for themselves. Visual artists, sound artists and game designers in the game development teams will be able to sell the materials they have created in the NFT Galleries in DEXPARK. Just like gamers, game developers and artists will be able to spend their DXGM in the DEXGame Metaverse or convert them into fiat currency through exchanges where the DXGM token is listed.

As we said before, there is no limit to what you can do with DXGM Token in DEXGame Metaverse. You can participate in tournaments or increase your income with “Game Staking”. You can produce and sell NFTs. You can start a game development company. You can step into professional acting. You can sell or buy gaming equipment. These are just some of the things you can do with DXGM! Join us now to discover DEXGame Metaverse and take advantage of its possibilities.

