DEX Sniffer — Ultimate Guide to Finding & Trading Trending Meme Coins
20 min readSep 16, 2023

Advanced Guide HERE

Experience the ultimate thrill ride into the world of trending meme coins! This comprehensive guide teaches you everything you need to know to find, trade, and deploy the hottest tokens on DeFi platforms. Prepare for launch with key intel from DEX Sniffer, decoding the dankest new meme coins before they moonshot to the cosmos. Learn how to mine meme coins and harness your rig’s full potential with mining guides optimized for maximum gains.

Get equipped with the best crypto wallets, trading bots, and Ethereum explainers to make your meme coin plays like a pro. Ape into early gems on UniSwap and use advanced strategies to ride the hype waves to 100x returns.

This meme-powered rocket ride covers must-know concepts for navigating the chaotic meme coin markets. Discover proven tactics to spot potential moonshots early and ride the hype trains to epic gains. With the right alpha leaks, every trade can become your one-way ticket to meme coin riches.

Strap in and get ready to moon! This all-in-one guidebook to the meme coin universe provides the ultimate edge for capitalizing on crypto’s most exciting sector. Time to dust off those diamond hands — with the right moves, you’ll be counting gains for days.

The Basics Below are packed full of information.

The absolute basics of DEX Sniffer is as follows, there are many blockchains, we only focus on the Ethereum (Eth) Blockchain. We aggregate Erc-20 (Eth) tokens. We only focus on getting the token (called memecoins) that come from UNIswap. We focus on brand new tokens, and list them up to 7 days old. our scoring system does have a small filter in place that weeds out the majority of scams before you ever see them.

Click HERE for DEX SCREENER’s Link that matches the pairs up to DEX SNIFFER — (update-the volume is not 5k, will need to adjust on dex screener.) the pairs will come through on both exchanges at the same time. You will see they are identical. Once you are confident we always have identical pairs for new Ethereum ERC-20 Tokens from UNISWAP. It will be easier to understand the value that DEXSniffer Provides over everyone else. Our website isn’t pretty, and mobile is even worse, lol, having a nice looking interface is 2nd to development, we want money flowing into development and keeping the project alive, and expand into other blockchains when the build for ethereum is complete.

There are tens of thousands of tokens as anyone can deploy a token for a few dollars and Also a number of telegram channels have bots that deploy tokens. Its the easiest complicated thing you have ever done. There’s a major difference between deploying a token and adding a liquidity pool. tokens can sit dormant indefinitely but the moment they add a liquidity pool, is the moment that they are picked up by places like Uni swap and pancake swap and other decentralized exchange aggregators. with this in mind we can only assume that token teams have tens or hundreds of tokens that they’ve written and tested on Ethereum test networks like the . so it’s not like they have one shiny contract they been working on for a long time. I’m sure they have categorized contracts and they are deploying for trend availability . those are just my personal thoughts, now back to the guide. The

You trade Code not Coins

DEX Sniffer — Basics

Introduction to DEXSniffer

Are you tired of missing out on the next big crypto moonshot because you don’t have hours to track down promising new projects? Wish there was an effortless way to spot gems without relying on influencers or expensive signals groups?

Then DEXSniffer is for you. It’s the easiest Crypto Scanner that does the legwork so you don’t miss the next 100x.

Here’s how it works: every minute DEXSniffer tracks all the new Ethereum erc-20 meme coins launching on Uni-Swap DEX.

Within minutes of passing a full security check, the top projects will rise to the top of the rankings. This simple scan surfaces the hottest new tokens about to explode.

No more guessing or FOMO. DEXSniffer finds the gems so you have more time to research and trade.

Pro traders also love it. Advanced filters and analytics give influencers and pros an edge to call trends early for their communities.

With DEXSniffer, spotting the next moon missions is effortless. Spend your time trading, not hunting. The crypto gems are delivered straight to you with just a quick look.

Overview of key features and benefits

Starting in the Header from left to right:


  • This displays the newest Ethereum pairs coming from uniswap.

the pair is always $Ticker/Weth — Token name.

example: ETH/WETH — Ethereum

$Native Toggle

The Native currency for trading on the ethereum block chain is Ethereum, when you trade ethereum for memecoins it gets wrapped, so Ethereum → WETH → Memecoin. The point is, USD is a feature most take for granted as it is not the native currency being traded, WETH is. We natively show USD but you can un toggle and it will show all the native prices.

Sometimes you have to buy a memecoin and use that memecoin as currency to purchase another memecoin. You will know the native currency if you uncheck the toggle, try it on the preview in:

DEX Sniffer 100XGems — Ethereum Trending Meme Coin Tokens on Autopilot

Trending Toggle

The Trending Toggle feature filters the list of tokens displayed on DEXSniffer to only show active trading pairs. When enabled, it removes any tokens that have not seen a trade within all timeframes.

The purpose is to filter out all the inactive tokens that have 0% trading volume. With the toggle on, every token listed will have executed at least one trade within all timeframes.

Tokens can drop off the trending list if trading activity ceases for a period. They may also rejoin the list later if transaction volume picks up again and passes the threshold.

In summary, the Trending Toggle feature allows users to view only the currently “hot” and active crypto tokens being traded on UniSwap based on recent transaction history. It removes inactive pairs to focus on just those seeing current interest and liquidity.


Numbered Score 0–100 is the TokenSniffer and the 4 red/green bubbles represent the:

4 TokenSniffer Audits.

Swap Analysis

A swap analysis for cryptocurrency refers to analyzing the swap transactions and fees associated with trading a particular cryptocurrency or token. Here are some key things a swap analysis examines:

  • Buy and sell fees — Analyzes the fees charged for buying and selling the cryptocurrency. Lower fees are preferable.
  • Slippage — Evaluates the difference between the expected price and actual execution price for trades. Lower slippage is better.
  • Liquidity — Assesses the liquidity available for the cryptocurrency by looking at metrics like trading volume, bid-ask spread, and order book depth. Higher liquidity facilitates better swap execution.
  • Price impact — Calculates how much the price moves when trading a certain amount of the cryptocurrency. Lower price impact is ideal.
  • Honeypot potential — Checks if the cryptocurrency contract allows both buying and selling. A contract only allowing buys but not sells is a honeypot risk.
  • Swap success rate — Examines if attempted swaps for the cryptocurrency succeed consistently without reverting or failing. Higher is better.
  • Swapper rankings — Ranks which DEXs, aggregators, or swapping platforms offer the best rates and liquidity for the swap pairs.

So in summary, a crypto swap analysis provides an in-depth evaluation of the swap ecosystem, risks, and performance metrics for a cryptocurrency to determine if swapping that token is viable and profitable for traders and investors.

Contract Analysis

A contract analysis for cryptocurrency refers to examining and evaluating the code, mechanisms, and protocols that underpin a particular cryptocurrency or application built on blockchain technology. Some key aspects of performing a contract analysis include:

  • Reviewing the smart contract code for vulnerabilities — This involves auditing the code to check for bugs, security flaws, or other issues that could lead to exploits. This is often done by professional auditing firms.
  • Analyzing the consensus mechanism — The consensus mechanism is how agreement is reached on the network about the valid state of the blockchain. Analyzing how consensus works is important to understand the security properties of a cryptocurrency.
  • Evaluating the incentive structure — Cryptocurrencies are secured through economic incentives for various network participants. Analyzing the rewards and penalties built into the protocol is important to assess if the incentives properly align with the goal of a secure, functioning network.
  • Assessing scalability — Reviewing how well a cryptocurrency or decentralized application can scale as usage grows is key. This includes factors like transaction throughput and network latency.
  • Reviewing governance mechanisms — Most decentralized networks have some form of governance for upgrading the protocol or making other changes. Analyzing how governance works is important for long-term sustainability.
  • Evaluating decentralization — A core value of cryptocurrency is decentralization, so analyzing how decentralized the network participants and infrastructure are is a key part of a thorough contract analysis.

The goal of a contract analysis is to provide a comprehensive audit of the technological and economic foundations of a cryptocurrency or decentralized application. This helps evaluate technical risks and assess overall viability.

Holder Analysis

A Holder Analysis is an analysis of the holders of a cryptocurrency to gain insights into the distribution and behavior of those holders. Some key things a Holder Analysis may examine:

  • Concentration of holdings — Are holdings concentrated in a few large holders (“whales”) or distributed more evenly among many holders? High concentration could indicate higher risk of price manipulation.
  • Holder composition — What types of holders are there (exchanges, institutions, retail investors)? This can indicate potential demand drivers.
  • Long-term vs short-term holders — The mix of long-term holders (“HODLers”) versus short-term holders trading frequently can indicate belief in the crypto’s long-term prospects. More HODLers may be positive.
  • Changes in holder composition over time — Are more long-term holders accumulating? Is whale concentration increasing or decreasing? Shifting holder base can signal changes in sentiment.
  • Geographic distribution — Where are most holders located? Wide global distribution may indicate more diversified demand.
  • Holder behavior analysis — Do holders tend to “panic sell” at price drops or buy the dips? Steady hands indicate belief in the asset.
  • Correlation to price moves — Do holder actions tend to precede or follow price moves? This may indicate holders driving price or reacting to external factors.

The goal of Holder Analysis

is to gauge sentiment and trends in demand for a cryptocurrency through analyzing the distributions, types, and behaviors of its holders. This can provide insights into price stability, potential price catalysts, and overall investor confidence.

Liquidity Analysis

  • Adequate current liquidity — There should be sufficient liquidity for the current trading volume and market cap. Low liquidity can result in high slippage and volatility. Look at metrics like bid-ask spread, daily trading volume, and order book depth.
  • Adequate initial liquidity — Many scam coins have low initial liquidity right after launch. Check that liquidity was strong from the beginning.
  • Liquidity burned/locked — Legitimate projects will burn or lock a very high percentage of liquidity (95%+), usually for an extended period of time (15+ days). This prevents “rug pulls”.
  • Creator wallet — The creator/development wallet should have a low percentage of the total supply (under 5%). A high percentage raises concerns about dumping on the market.
  • No liquidity outside of main pools — Liquidity should be concentrated in just 1 or 2 pools, not spread thin across multiple pools or exchanges.
  • Liquidity paired with major coins — Coins paired only with obscure coins are a red flag. Look for liquidity primarily in stablecoin and BTC/ETH pairs.
  • Audit of liquidity sources — The contract should be audited to verify fair launch and allocation of liquidity.

The more green flags in terms of liquidity, the lower the risks and the more investable the cryptocurrency is likely to be.

Token Sniffer — is a website that provides analysis and information on crypto tokens and projects. Some key things Token Sniffer does:

  • Analyzes smart contracts of tokens to check for vulnerabilities, scams, and rug pulls. It scans the code to identify risks and potential issues.
  • Provides ratings for token contracts based on the level of risks identified. Tokens get a Trust Ranking from 1 to 100.
  • Shows details on token distributions, top holders, liquidity status, fees, and other metrics. This helps assess the tokenomics and health of a project.
  • Tracks the dates when tokens were added to exchanges, social platforms, and listing sites. This helps gauge the legitimacy and activity level of a token project.
  • Maintains a blacklist of known scam, rug pull, and high risk tokens that users should avoid.
  • Lets users submit token contracts for analysis and addition to the platform’s database.

So in summary, Token Sniffer aims to bring more transparency, analysis, and information to help crypto investors make informed decisions and avoid risks when evaluating new tokens and projects. The website is a go-to resource for due diligence in the crypto space.

  • Why are these important?
  • Tokens are smart contracts and smart contracts are solidity programming language. The most important aspect and the backbone of the website is the audits. They audit the code of the contract in real time. I will cover this alot more in the Advanced Guide. When you sort the scores you are sorting the token sniffer number 0–100, Go Plus is simply an elaboration of the important aspects of the solidity contract.

Go Plus Security

We added go plus as a way to authenticate the audits, hover over “scan” to use go plus to check for more in-depth audit info. Also its a hyperlink taking you right to the audit page.p to read the excerpts of failed audits.

The “Scan” button is the Go Plus Security

  1. Malicious address detection — GoPlus provides an API to check addresses against a database of known malicious/scam addresses. This helps traders avoid sending funds to risky or fraudulent addresses.
  2. Honeypot identification — The address API flags honeypot tokens and related addresses. This helps traders avoid honeypot scams.
  3. Token audit — The token audit API scans and detects risks in crypto tokens. Traders can use this to evaluate the security of potential investments.
  4. dApp security — The dApp API provides security info and audits of decentralized apps. Traders can review dApp security before using them.
  5. Approval risk detection — The approval API detects risky or malicious contracts approved to spend tokens. Helps avoid approval scams.
  6. Transaction data decoding — Decodes input data to find anomalies. Helps analyze suspicious transactions.
  7. Real-time monitoring — GoPlus provides real-time security monitoring of blockchain activity. Keeps traders updated on latest threats.

By leveraging these automated security services, crypto traders can better validate, monitor, and avoid various risks in the decentralized crypto ecosystem.


  • The watchlist is saved based on your email login, so it will be tied to and accessible from your account.
  • You can set custom watchlists to add promising candidates across different investment strategies that you want to monitor closely for potential buying opportunities.
  • Adding candidates to the custom watchlist sorts them to a new dedicated list.
  • To access the custom watchlist, click on the top star icon in the header/menu bar.
  • This will display a new list containing all the tokens/candidates you have highlighted and added to your custom watchlist.
  • Within this custom watchlist, you can further sort and filter the items using the column headers to organize and view them as needed (e.g. sort by price, market cap, change over time etc.).

So in summary, the custom watchlist feature allows you to build a personalized list of investment prospects tied to your account, that you can refer back to easily to check for buying opportunities among the candidates you’re most interested in and following across different investment strategies.


  • Displays the current price of the coin. Can be sorted Ascending/Descending.


  • Displays the age of the coin, DEX Sniffer always shows Newest Coin First.

Buys / Sells

A maker is a unique wallet, for example 1 maker can make 10 buys/sells and counts as 10 buy/sells. alot of times 10 different people (makers) will buy and sell many times and it will look very active with lots of buys and sells but very few (and most of the time its 10 or 20 bots owned by 1 person. or a few people that own 5 bots a piece. Ill try to explain more in my Advanced Guide.

On decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, there is a risk of wash trading and fake volume with meme coins and speculative tokens. Since DEXs are non-custodial and trading is done directly from people’s wallets, it’s cheap and easy for one person to set up many unique wallet addresses.

A single trader can place buy and sell orders between their own wash trading wallets to make it appear there is more market interest and trading volume for a token than there actually is. All it takes is paying some Ethereum gas fees to move tokens around.

This wash trading by a single holder controlling many wallets with small amounts of funds can make some tokens seem far more actively traded than they really are. It artificially inflates trading volumes and liquidity on DEXs.

Real volume comes from many different independent traders buying and selling. But on DEXs, it’s hard for other traders to distinguish between real versus fake wash trading volume just by looking at the totals. So it’s important to be skeptical of volume spikes for lesser known tokens, especially in speculative meme coin markets.


Volume on Uniswap refers to the total trading volume across all trading pairs on the exchange over a given time period. It measures the total value of tokens traded on Uniswap.

High trading volume indicates that a lot of trading activity is happening on Uniswap. It shows that the exchange is being widely used for cryptocurrency trading. The higher the trading volume, the more liquidity there is in the market.

Trading volume is an important metric because it provides insights into the overall health and activity level of the exchange. Rising volumes tend to attract more traders as it suggests there is more liquidity and opportunity to trade profitably. Declining volumes could indicate reduced market interest and activity.

Uniswap ranks among the top decentralized exchanges by trading volume. At its peak, it has facilitated over $1 billion in trading volume over a 24-hour period. The top traded pairs by volume tend to be Ethereum-based tokens and stablecoins like USDT.

Factors like new token listings, trading competitions, and overall cryptocurrency market conditions can drive significant fluctuations in Uniswap’s trading volumes over time. Monitoring the exchange’s volumes provides a snapshot of the changing dynamics and interest in decentralized, automated crypto trading.

  • Some key points about trading volume in crypto:

24 Hr / 6 Hr / 1 Hr / 5M

The 24hr%, 6hr%, 1hr%, and 5m% refer to the percentage changes in price over different timeframes:

  • 24hr% — The percentage change in price over the last 24 hours
  • 6hr% — The percentage change in price over the last 6 hours
  • 1hr% — The percentage change in price over the last 1 hour
  • 5m% — The percentage change in price over the last 5 minutes

These percentages give traders a quick snapshot of how the price of a token has moved recently. A positive percentage means the price has gone up over that timeframe, while a negative percentage means it has gone down.

Traders monitor these percentages to identify trends and momentum in the price. For example, if the 24hr% is up 10% but the 5m% is down 2%, it suggests there is some downward pressure on the price in the very short term, despite the overall uptrend. The various timeframes allow traders to assess both short-term and longer-term price dynamics.

The percentage changes are useful indicators of volatility and help traders determine whether to enter/exit positions or place orders at specific price levels based on the token’s recent price action. They provide an at-a-glance view of price performance on UniSwap.


In the context of trading cryptocurrencies on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, liquidity refers to the depth of the market and the ability to trade an asset without significantly impacting its price.

On Uniswap, liquidity comes from liquidity pools that are funded by users providing an equal value of two cryptocurrency assets, such as ETH and a token. This creates a pool of assets that others can trade against.

The more liquidity there is in a pool, the less price impact trades will have. High liquidity means you can trade larger amounts without causing large spikes and drops in the price of the asset.

Low liquidity results in greater slippage on trades, meaning the price shifts significantly because relatively little funds are available at the current price level.

For lesser known tokens, liquidity tends to be low initially when few people are providing funds to the pool. This causes high price volatility.

Traders have to be cautious trading large amounts of illiquid crypto assets. Looking at metrics like liquidity pool depth, 24 hour volume, and spread between bid and ask can indicate how liquid an asset is on Uniswap before trading. More liquid assets have stable prices and can be traded reliably.

  • Key factors that determine liquidity on Uniswap:


FDV stands for “Fully Diluted Valuation” in the context of trading cryptocurrencies, especially more speculative assets, on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.

The Fully Diluted Valuation refers to the total market capitalization a cryptocurrency would have if all the tokens in existence were circulating in the market.

It is calculated by multiplying the current price of the token by the maximum possible supply of coins that will ever be issued.

For example, if a crypto has 100 million tokens total supply but only 50 million are currently circulating, and the price is $1 — the FDV would be $100 million (100 million total tokens x $1 price).

Traders look at the FDV to assess the potential growth if all tokens eventually enter circulation, and to determine if a token is potentially over or undervalued relative to its maximum possible market cap.

A high trade volume relative to FDV signals strong interest and activity for a token early on, but could also indicate manipulative wash trading if volume seems artificially inflated. FDV helps give context to evaluate if trading levels make sense for a token’s supply and adoption.

Token Pair Links

Ethereum Logo — This is simply a logo showing the token pairs are ERC-20

UniSwap Logo — Takes you to UniSwaps Chart Page and Loads the token pair

V2/V3 — UniSwap Router Version

Ether Scan — Etherscan is a popular Ethereum blockchain explorer that allows anyone to easily look up information about transactions, smart contracts, tokens, prices, gas fees, and other activities taking place on the Ethereum network.

Twitter/X — Loads the $TICKER into the twitter search and searches

Bubble Maps — Shows the wallet bubbles and displays various information

DEX Screener — Chart page on DEX Screener

DEX Tools — Chart page on DEX Tools

DEX View — Chart page on DEX View

Explanation of how DEX Sniffer can help traders

  • Tokens that have just undergone and passed a full audit, increasing their score from a lower number like 0 to the maximum of 100, will rise to the top of the list if you have the page sorted by best scores first, just click the logos on the column of the scores. This surfaces projects that have taken positive steps to improve security and credibility. It should look like the above photo. Be sure to enable the “trending” Toggle to get rid of dead tokens.
  • It allows you to potentially get in on tokens very early, before they gain wider visibility or appreciation. Many newly launched tokens start with a lower audit score that improves after initial deployment steps.
  • Influencers are aware of this dynamic and may promote tokens they spot rising to the top, creating buy pressure and potential for early gains. Getting in before this influx is advantageous.
  • While risky due to incomplete information early on, buying pre-audit completion allows for potentially massive returns if the project succeeds. Many top tokens were acquired very early.
  • Simply sorting by market cap alone is not sufficient due to edge cases of tokens launching at very low or high caps. Audit score progression provides valuable context about a project’s development stages.

So in summary, this sorting priority surfaces projects taking proactive security steps and allows very early exposure, for both risk and potential reward, to what may become top tokens going forward. The dynamics are understood and leveraged by experienced investors.

Creating Your Account

Its completely free, sign up with an email to access the watchlist. You will receive a verification email. We will NOT spam you.

Searching and Finding Tokens

Here are some examples of how to use DEX Sniffer to find the best upcoming memecoins:

The best way to snipe a brand new coin: Land on page, click trending toggle, click to sort the scores best first. Wait for a token to update its audit score to 100, it will show at the top of the list. coins at 100 that are less than 1 hr old are risky 1000x gems. get them before they pump the first leg. or trade on coins a little older with technical analysis set ups. your choice. Audits scores determine risk based on the solidity contract code.

  • Filter by audit score of Best (100) First — Look for projects that have passed a thorough security review by a top firm like Token Sniffer and Go Plus Security.
  • Sort by newest listings — Check the top of the list for names that just launched in the past few days. These will have room to run early.
  • Filter by market cap under $1M — Find gems that just started and have low enough supply for huge % gains.
  • Track social mentions — Cross-check names with high growth on Twitter/Telegram to find projects building strong communities.
  • Check audit details — Drill into scores over time and reports for projects that increased scores substantially after deployment.
  • Set custom watchlists — Add promising candidates across different strategies to monitor closely for buying opportunities.
  • Overlay social & price data — See which coins gaining fans fast recently also started moving up in value.

With these targeted scans on DEX Sniffer, you can isolate the low market cap, high potential memecoins most likely to deliver massive return on investment.

Analyzing Token Details

  • Interpreting Sniffer Scores

See TOKEN SNIFFER scores Above

Contact DEX Sniffer

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is DEX Sniffer?
  • DEX Sniffer is an aggregated dashboard for viewing analytics and data on ERC-20 tokens traded on decentralized exchanges like UniSwap.
  • What does DEX Sniffer do?
  • DEX Sniffer compiles and displays real-time pricing, volume, liquidity, and other data for token pairs. It also provides proprietary Sniffer scores to rate token contracts, plus tracking of critical events like locks and renouncements.
  • Why use DEX Sniffer instead of other aggregators?
  • DEX Sniffer focuses on new and smaller tokens earlier than most aggregators. It also offers more tools like Sniffer scores, whale monitoring, anti-rug pull alerts, and social profile links to vet new tokens.
  • What kind of data can I see on DEX Sniffer?
  • You can view charts, pricing, volume, liquidity, market cap, Sniffer scores, tax rates, whale holdings, contract events, and social media links for each token.
  • Does DEX Sniffer work for tokens on exchanges besides UniSwap?
  • Currently DEX Sniffer specializes in Ethereum ERC-20 tokens traded on UniSwap, but support for other DEXs is on the roadmap.
  • Is there a mobile app?
  • Not yet, but a mobile app is planned. For now, the platform can be accessed through any mobile browser.
  • Is there an alert or notification system?
  • We are working on implementing our Toggles as telegram channels
  • Is access to DEX Sniffer free?
  • We are still under Development and are working to add new features that will help stream line the hunting process. When complete we will integrate Meta mask and launch a token that will be needed as Utility to access the premium features of the site.
  • How do I search for a token?
  • You can search by name, symbol, or contract address in the top search bar. Results will show the top match.
  • How do I add a token to my watchlist?
  • Click the star icon next to any token to add it to your personalized watchlist. You can also use the “+ Watchlist” button.
  • What do the different columns and metrics mean?
  • See Overview of Key Features
  • How is the Token Sniffer Score calculated?
  • The Token Sniffer Score algorithm analyzes factors like contract code quality, locks, renouncements, distribution, and more. Higher scores indicate higher quality and trustworthiness.
  • Can I filter or sort tokens in the tables?
  • Yes, click the filter icon in any column header to sort and filter tokens by specific criteria.
  • Can I see historical chart data?
  • Click any Pairs “Hot Links” to see chart pages from your favorite places.
  • My question isn’t answered here — how can I get support?
  • Please contact our support team from the site footer or via email at DEX Sniffer Email
  • Video tutorials — , working on a Long form youtube channel.
  • Submitting support tickets, socials updates and advertising email @

<aside> ⚠️ Disclaimer: All the contents of our Website and those to which its hyperlinks refer, as well as those that may result from applications, forums, blogs, social network accounts and other platforms associated with DEX Sniffer are intended solely to provide its users with general information and in no case are aimed at the marketing of specific products. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data published or the accuracy and timeliness of such data. The publication of information by DEX Sniffer in no case involves or should be interpreted as financial, legal or any other kind of advice regarding the opportunity to invest in the markets and products to which it refers. Any use or exploitation that users may make of the information provided will be at their own risk. The user interested in investing must carry out his own research and analysis, reviewing and verifying such data and contents, before relying on them. The commercial transactions referred to in the information constitute a very high risk activity, which may entail serious losses for the investor, and therefore the investor should seek appropriate advice before making any decision. Nothing on our Web Page constitutes or should be considered an invitation or an offer to carry out acts of investment.




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