DEX Trading is not a scam..Rather its highly advanced..
12 min readSep 16, 2023

Making it seem like a scam. Anyone Less than Lucky Or Professional is exit liquidity.

📌 This info is strait from me, the creator of DEX Sniffer, I want you to read this before moving on. I’m giving you first hand accounts and experiences. The difference between me and you, you got rugged and cried scam, I got rugged and depleted my bank account to build my own custom aggregator. I could care less if you decide to use it. Its free and im covering all the expenses. So why would you not at least try?



This write up is from someone who is an obsessive compulsive researcher, and has first hand accounts to basically every little step in the DEX environment. Further, we are critical thinkers so we are always trying to improve on information and the webpage.

Short Story

A very long time ago i worked at a gas station, no cameras, basically no guidance, kind of in the middle of no where. Lots of locals, i started playing the scratch off tickets for the first time ever, i was maybe 19–20 years old, it was really fun, one day i noticed the numbers on the bottom, the card number like 1,2,3,4 and so on, but they were different, but always in order, so maybe the roll started at 3001 then 3002 and so on. Well i became obsessed with the numbers, all the locals threw away their losing scratch offs and at the end of the day i would dig through the trash and take them home and put them on an excel spread sheet. I had thousands of tickets and with that information on an excel spread sheet i was able to IDENTIFY PATTERNS in the ticket numbers. So i alwaws knew which ticket in the roll was a winner, and when the the pattern started over. So i played against the people. I was basically the dealer, i knew the GEMS but i kept a cool face, sometimes, i would bet the customer it would be a hit instead of taking the winner for myself. again for months i was OBSESSED, i rushed to work to get the trash before the first shifts were was taken out and dumped. I see DEX exchanges and crypto as no different. Once i got the Information inside a Tabular data structure and was able to start recognizing patterns. You could say i’ve been identifying gems for years.

DEX Trading is not a scam..

Rather its highly advanced..

Making it seem like a scam. Anyone Less than Lucky Or Professional is exit liquidity.

Think about this. We get a raw list of tokens, like everyone else, DEX TOOLS, Gecko Terminal, DEX Screener, WE ALL GET THE SAME LIST. Everyone you know gets the same list. Everyday from the **EVM** of roughly 400–600 tokens (smart contracts) a day/24HRS. So 600 x 7 days ( amount our total list goes back.) = 4200 tokens a week. You see what im saying, TONS of companies all get the same 500 tokens a day. Its all about how we choose to display it and what add on from dapp companies we use.

Our main list, which has several filters from the EVM shows on average 100 erc-20 tokens / 600 tokens daily. Once you enable the “Trending” toggle, 30 erc-20’s / 600 eth tokens (ERC-20 = ETH = ETHEREUM) are actively “trending”. Further at this time of writing 13/600 have perfect, “100” Token sniffer scores And only 1 pair has a perfect GO plus and Token Sniffer at the same time. Every day around 1–2 ethereum tokens / 600+ memecoins are perfect, as far as contract audits. That’s insane, and 100% true. You will never hear about this mainstream, Since the main stream crypto media has no idea of the inner working of token audits and advanced DEX trading.

Most Aggregators choose to show every ERC-20 that exists, from every block chain. Something in the tune of 30–35 thousand tokens. you can see for yourself at We choose to show you only Ethereum Tokens from Deployment, to roughly 7 days old. Also I choose to focus all my scoring and every single API i could find to audit these tokens as soon as their liquidity pool hits $5k and they pass some other Filters that i set up.

This is the Way..

Dry trading sucks i know but for the first time you have a ground breaking new platform that simplifies everything. You only need to learn one or 2 types of Aping then, scale that to fit your lifestyle needs. Simply track the token then do all the research to the point you would take the trade, then hit the watchlist and watch the coin to see what happens. Try to make a good call percentage before you spend real money. Do this for weeks or even months until you are comfortable. Don’t FOMO no matter what your stomach is telling you. Don’t let the thought of missing out on LAMBOS and MANSION’s be the reason you get rugged or used as exit liquidity. Rest assured the Pro HIGH Market Cap, teams recycle funds and viral contracts, so there’s a new 1000x every day. Start small. Learn every aspect of each part of the trade, the charts, the history, a little coding in solidity, deploy your own token and make notes of the process. Leverage free A.I like and ChatGPT “see advanced write up” to scan the contract code. Learn everything you can, become obsessed, make great calls then when its time, use real money. This is the Way.


I want you to win, If you win from DEX Sniffer, my team wins. I can make money using advertisers to pay for development and keep it entirely free to use. I’m just a normal dude that got obsessed after he got rugged, i went crazy and was/is obsessive over it. Never slept, always on DEX Screener. compulsive level of critical thinking was applied to weeding out these Scammers for the betterment of the community. Ill leave it at that.

Even though everyone would have you believe its a scam, its truly not. Honestly you are probably not doing it right. You cant see a few videos read 3–4 things join a tele group set up a meta mask wallet, buy a shitcoin from a Telegram call and expect to make money, or even get mad you lost it.

This is way more advanced than regular trading just in the sense that, before you can trade you have to find a token. So there is an entirely new element now and its massive to the point multi MILLIONS of dollars go into companies that compete for the best audits.

First and foremost if you do not know what Technical analysis is, you need to learn the basics before you come here. Along with reading all articles i’ve written, or at least scan them the get caught up fast. Ill be migrating them over from medium since its full of bot accounts anyway. Oh ya were on Medium. I talk about A.I. GPU integrations, what that might mean for our future, How the metaverse will change everything when A.I gets involved, crazy experimental prompting with LLMS, and more.

DEX Trading has 0 regulations..

It’s all underground trading. You do not report these transactions to your taxes, only when you try to cash out from Memecoin > ETH >you report this> USD.

Never memecoin > memecoin transactions as they are all done on a DECENTRALIZED EXCHANGE or DEX. Hope this helps. Sorry for the caps.

There’s no one that’s going to hold your hand and tell you what to invest in. That goes for any telegram group or tiktoker or even friend that says they know what they are doing. No one can care about your success for you.

Every day 10’s of MILLIONS of dollars go through these tokens, kids are literally retiring their parents and traveling the world for hitting Pepe’s and Hex’s and Shib’s, not to mention legit pro token teams do this for a living, its the same as tik tok, they get paid for views, its all about eyeballs, with an underground everchanging element of interlinking token teams. All of which are trying to BE the next PEPE.

All those tokens you hear about. They all started on a DEX. Like UniSwap (ETH) or Pancake Swap (BSC) those 2 doing the most volume by far. (Sep 2023)

CEX’s like Binance..

<aside> ⚠️ CEX or CENTRALIZED EXCHANGED require KYC or KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER, with ID verification, bank statements, social security reporting, and reporting EVERY transaction memecoin>memecoin Memecoin>ETH, Eth>USD, ANY transaction you make.


CEX’s like Uphold and Bybit and will buy a huge portion of super viral meme coins like PEPE and rake in on the fees from the general public trading them. Meanwhile its still being traded on the DEX. The biggest benefits to getting it on a CEX is,

  1. The fees
  2. They own so much that its not going to rug
  3. There’s no ETH GAS fees eating you alive, only exchange fees.
  4. Also the ability to long and short.

The biggest negative is, it will likely never even double in Market Cap again, which is why you would need to long and/or short to begin with. Let alone do another 50000x like it did before it got to the CEX. when you hear about “MADE MILLIONS ON PEPE”, ya for the day ones, even a week or 2 in. you still could have 100x your money.

The Good news is..

10000x, 5000x,1000x,100x,50x they happen everyday. The real secret is either getting them early, try to make your assessment and buy before the coin reaches 1Hr old with perfect scores and adopting community. (MAX EXTRACTED VALUE METHOD)

Or look for coins that are a little older and established and trade from a technical analysis standpoint paired with community research and adoption virility. In other words, See how far its traveled on telegram and twitter.

Eth Gas fees will eat you alive if you aren’t careful. The gas fees change based on the current volume of the entire DEX. Every day the Total DEX Volume goes up and down and that translates into higher/Lower gas fees. Middle of the night is a great time to trade because its cheap. Also the gas fees are subtle indications of things, for example the last few weeks and months actually the gas fees have been around 8–10 GWEI with translates to only a $3-$5 to take a transaction. for a while last year and during pepe’s arrival gas was 40+ GWIE making it $25+ to take a transaction. Ive seen much higher than that.

(This is my personal opinion) The point is, you get a feel for gas you get a feel for the entire market volume and if you can pull your head out of your ass then you can see that long term low volume is a recession for this industry. And the opposite would be true as well. Thats how you can gauge to see if the MEMECOINS SEASON 2023 is really happening. This is a perfect time to get ahold of some bags. Less volume less scams. Less Fees. This industry is entirely based on attention so why would the volume of scammers be high when no one is looking?

Because of high gas fees..

only take strategic trades that will be the most profitable, you cannot profit from a scam coin. so finding legit tokens should be your main concern, gas is around $10 per transaction on a regular basis and get can up to $30 or more during the day under high volume. that means $30 to buy the token and $30 to sell it. So you would need 60$ to break even. this is where…

Bot Trading comes into play..

Bots can be programmed to trade the lowest Ethereum gas or private transaction servers, and much more, the possibilities are endless because when you program a bot you have full control of every single detail.

The highest level of trading is by deploying trading BOTS that can monitor market conditions and do any numbers of strategies, with the arrival of A.I, over the next few years you have an overwhelming opportunity here!

You can find trading bots on the Telegram bots page and an advanced write up on bots in the advanced guide, additionally we have written articles on bots you can find here:

Telegram Crypto Bots

but i would start :

Trading Bots — Start Here

Personally, i think telegram call groups are a scam..

Re read the first paragraph “Rather It’s Highly Advanced”, Call Groups especially Gamble call groups which are essentially groups that call early tokens have absolutely 0 idea what they are doing. Ya i said it. After surfing through a few hundred groups i came to the realization they can be categorized into 3 groups.

Human Calls, where they don’t seem to use any filter data or API or bots, they are calling from self research from DEX SCREENER or similar, and gut feeling,

Public Bot Calls, where you buy the data and bot from a public resource and you can filter out the data you want. I’ve listed some on in the Bot Channel Page.

Dev Bot calls, where the developer has his custom APIs and custom programmed bot.

Either way it matters not because they all use the same information, put albert einstein on that table data and he will get the same shit results everyone else gets, Thats becasue they are in a closed loop of info. And, Not one person I’ve seen is a critical thinker. when someone adds a new feature that goes viral they all copy each other trying to outsell each other from marketing alone. Not by actual differentiating features or usefulness. They think there shit is so good its a competition of marketing to unfound people, SMH. They don’t actually care about you, they want your money.

DEV BOTS are sometimes deployed tokens that are still doing good cause you need the token to get the bot.. and if the token collapse’s then they strip the code, add features and redeploy with a new token and “new” bot under a new name. See, they just add a feature and redeploy to try to go viral. Think of it as tweaking and reposting identical videos’ on tiktok and one finally goes viral. Same with smart contracts.

Deployment professional certainly do not write fresh code every time, although there are some contracts that come with brand new code unseen before and i like to call them, token connoisseur Devs. Like that genius that came along with a fresh idea, changed the entire foundation and dips out. PEPE was a token connoisseur, and everyone copied the contract. to see who copies who just click the Token sniffer score and scroll down to the bottom it will say “SIMILIAR CONTRACTS”

Here why you don’t think its a scam..

Its simple, if you are in a big enough telegram group and the influencer makes a token call what are you likely to do..? what are all the thousands of people likely to do? Some will understand this and make money, and that’s why its not a scam to you, But overall, its a scam, because without the community support of big influencers it would have, possibly been a dud, like most. The community aspect of this is what keeps it alive but also what keeps the scams efficient. You wouldn’t believe how many call groups dismantle after creating a huge channel then deploying a coin that RUGs EVERYONE and start all over again cause they cannot be caught easy. They could be in another country. You don’t know. Best Case learn the real process your self.

To prove my point, Maestro the Telegram buy bot is famous for one main reason. You can set the bot up to trade strait from Major Telegram Call Channels. Why? because 99% of the people actually have no idea how to find the tokens themselves.

MOST importantly the TOKEN AUDITS..

Are DYNAMIC Scores, so once a Token is Called in a Telegram group The scores are Static with the call. As you can see on DEXSNIFFER that is simply not the case with scores. Malicious code and rug pulls are 99% of the coins that launch.

About 13/600 coins are safe enough to trade daily..

So how in the world are you taking a telegram call to heart? You know how many call channels i see where the Caller has recently taken a break from calling because he/she made to many bad calls? Wonder Why? Where are they getting their info from? how are they keeping up with all the scores that are constantly changing? They aren’t, its a full time job that many have grouped up and formed paid channels where everyone has a job to keep tabs on a shared excel sheets document. Once you pay you still have to work to find a token with others. Before this year everyone had to do that. The reason is simple, this year a-lot of companies that recovered from the last couple years of absolute mayhem, released their API’s. So literally everyone is trying new API information over the last year. That’s why you are seeing a trend in bots on telegram and other utility coins.

DYK, Meme Coins are sometimes required to buy other memecoins?

So USD > ETH > PEPE > PEPE2.0, where ETH > PEPE2.0 Isn’t possible.

To see which tokens you need to buy other tokens Toggle the NATIVE TOGGLE, on the header labeled with a Dollar Sign $. Then sort PRICE, the price will be in a Ticker thats is not WETH. They are rare but its becoming a trend.



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